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" The benefits of government can vary depending on the specific form of government and its effectiveness. Here are some general benefits associated with well-functioning governments:"

And therein lies the rub: what is a well functioning government? 

What makes it the thing that we will vote for, support and defend? 

What makes us actually WANT a government? To pay taxes? To be brow beaten?  Seriously, why do we have a government? 

 So here we go. The bullet point bang down of why we should have a government.

  1. Protection of rights and freedoms: Governments are responsible for safeguarding the rights and freedoms of their citizens. They establish and enforce laws to protect individuals from harm, discrimination, and abuse. This includes upholding civil liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. FAIL

  2. Maintenance of law and order: Governments maintain law and order by establishing a system of justice and enforcing laws. They provide courts and law enforcement agencies to ensure public safety, resolve disputes, and punish those who violate laws.FAIL

  3. Provision of public goods and services: Governments provide essential public goods and services that benefit society as a whole. These may include infrastructure development (roads, bridges, public transportation), healthcare, education, social welfare programs, public safety, and environmental protection.FAIL

  4. Economic regulation and stability: Governments play a crucial role in regulating the economy to ensure fair competition, consumer protection, and overall economic stability. They establish policies and regulations to prevent market failures, maintain monetary stability, and promote economic growth.FAIL

  5. Promotion of social welfare: Governments implement social welfare programs to address poverty, unemployment, and inequality. These programs may include unemployment benefits, social security, healthcare subsidies, affordable housing, and education grants. They aim to improve the well-being of disadvantaged individuals and promote social cohesion.FAIL

  6. Defense and national security: Governments are responsible for protecting the nation's security and defending against external threats. This includes maintaining a military, conducting foreign policy, and participating in international alliances and agreements.FAIL

  7. Planning and coordination: Governments facilitate coordination and planning at a societal level. They develop long-term plans, set priorities, and allocate resources to address collective challenges such as urban development, environmental conservation, disaster preparedness, and infrastructure projects.FAIL

  8. Representation and democracy: Democratic governments allow citizens to participate in decision-making processes through voting and representation. This ensures that the government is accountable to the people and reflects their interests and values.FAIL

So far, all I see are a lot of FAILS. 

It saddens me that I had to consider the serious question:

What if a government fails to do its job? That is the big question. 

It used only to be in 3rd world nations, but now it is across the globe. 

Our countries, our governments, our elected representatives are not looking after us. 

You see, when a government fails to fulfill its responsibilities and effectively carry out its duties, it can bugger a country up. 

  1. Lack of essential services: A failing government may struggle to provide essential public services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and public safety. This can result in inadequate healthcare facilities, poorly maintained infrastructure, limited access to education, and increased crime rates. YES

  2. Economic instability: Ineffective governance can lead to economic instability, including high inflation, unemployment, and a lack of investor confidence. Poor economic policies, corruption, and mismanagement of public funds can hinder economic growth and negatively impact the overall well-being of the population.YES

  3. Social unrest and political instability: When a government fails to address the needs and concerns of its citizens, it can lead to social unrest and political instability. Citizens may become frustrated with the lack of progress and voice their dissent through protests, strikes, or even violence. This can further undermine governance and exacerbate social divisions.YES

  4. Corruption and mismanagement: A government's failure to effectively combat corruption can undermine public trust and lead to the mismanagement of public resources. Corruption erodes the rule of law, distorts the allocation of resources, and hampers development efforts.YES

  5. Human rights abuses: A failing government may be more prone to human rights abuses, as there may be weak legal frameworks, limited accountability mechanisms, and a lack of respect for individual liberties. This can result in violations of civil, political, and socio-economic rights, including repression, censorship, and discrimination.YES

  6. Brain drain and migration: When a government fails to create opportunities and provide a conducive environment for its citizens, there may be a brain drain as skilled professionals and talented individuals seek better prospects elsewhere. This can lead to a loss of human capital and hinder the country's development.YES

  7. Loss of international standing: A government's failure to effectively govern and address societal issues can result in a loss of international credibility and standing.YES

So what do we do? 

  1. Peaceful protests and advocacy: Peaceful protests, demonstrations, and public rallies can be effective ways to express dissatisfaction and draw attention to the government's failures. Engaging in peaceful advocacy and lobbying efforts can help raise awareness, mobilize public opinion, and put pressure on the government to address the issues at hand. THAT DIDN'T WORK

  2. Engage in civic participation: Active civic participation is crucial for holding the government accountable. This can include attending public meetings, participating in community forums, joining local organizations, and voicing concerns to elected representatives. Engaging in local politics and grassroots movements can help bring about change at the community level. THAT DIDN'T WORK

  3. Support and create alternative platforms: When the government fails, individuals and communities can seek or create alternative platforms to address societal issues. This could involve supporting independent media outlets, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or civil society organizations working on specific causes. These entities can often fill the gaps left by a failing government.THAT DIDN'T WORK

  4. Promote transparency and accountability: Transparency and accountability are vital in ensuring good governance. Citizens can demand greater transparency by requesting access to information, scrutinizing government actions, and promoting accountability mechanisms such as independent oversight bodies or anti-corruption commissions. Promoting and supporting initiatives for transparency and accountability can help combat corruption and improve governance.THAT DIDN'T WORK

  5. Vote and participate in elections: Elections provide an opportunity for citizens to express their discontent and shape the direction of their government. By voting for candidates who demonstrate integrity, competence, and a commitment to public service, citizens can work towards a change in leadership and policies.THAT DIDN'T WORK

  6. Seek legal recourse: In cases where the government's failures result in legal violations or human rights abuses, seeking legal recourse through the judicial system or engaging with human rights organizations can be a viable option. Initiating lawsuits, filing complaints, or pursuing legal action can help hold the government accountable and seek justice.THAT DIDN'T WORK

  7. International engagement: In certain situations, seeking international assistance, engaging with international organizations, or appealing to the international community can be options. This can involve reaching out to international human rights bodies, seeking diplomatic support, or accessing international aid to address pressing issues.THAT DIDN'T WORK

 Yet we still got shut down. What do we do now? 

  1. Stay calm and assert your rights: It is essential to remain calm and composed during the arrest. Understand your rights, which may include the right to remain silent and the right to legal representation. Avoid any confrontations or resistance that could escalate the situation.ARRESTED

  2. Document the arrest: If possible, document the arrest and any interactions with law enforcement. This can include taking notes, recording video or audio, or gathering witness statements. Such documentation can be helpful later on for legal purposes or to raise awareness about the situation.ARRESTED

  3. Contact a lawyer: As soon as possible, try to contact a lawyer or seek legal advice. If you are unable to afford a lawyer, inquire about legal aid or pro bono services that may be available. A lawyer can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and provide advice on the specific circumstances of your arrest.ARRESTED

  4. Inform family and friends: Notify trusted family members or friends about your situation. They can provide support, help coordinate legal assistance, and act as a point of contact for updates.ARRESTED

  5. Obtain medical assistance if needed: If you require medical attention due to injuries or health issues resulting from the arrest, request medical assistance from the authorities. Document any injuries or health concerns as evidence.ARRESTED

  6. Cooperate with legal proceedings: While asserting your rights, it is important to cooperate with the legal proceedings. This may involve providing necessary information, attending court hearings, and following legal advice from your lawyer.ARRESTED

  7. Seek support from human rights organizations: Reach out to local or international human rights organizations that may be able to provide assistance, guidance, and advocacy. They can offer support, monitor the situation, and raise awareness about the arrests and any human rights violations.ARRESTED

So what next? 

Being locked in prison without charge for an extended period is a severe violation of human rights and due process. In such a situation, it is important to explore the following steps:

  1. Legal assistance: Reach out to a lawyer or legal organization that specializes in human rights or wrongful imprisonment cases. They can provide guidance on the legal options available to challenge your detention and seek your release. Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  2. Habeas corpus petition: In some jurisdictions, a habeas corpus petition can be filed to challenge the lawfulness of detention. This legal procedure requires the authorities to justify the detention and present evidence supporting their actions. A lawyer can help initiate this process.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  3. Advocate for your rights: Despite being imprisoned, it is important to assert your rights within the confines of the prison system. This can include documenting any violations or mistreatment, reporting them to the appropriate authorities, and keeping a record of your experiences.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  4. Seek international support: Reach out to human rights organizations, activists, and diplomatic missions to seek support and raise awareness about your case. These entities can apply pressure on the government through advocacy, publicity, and diplomatic channels.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  5. Engage the media: Share your story with trusted journalists or media outlets to draw attention to your situation. Media coverage can help generate public support, bring international scrutiny to your case, and potentially increase pressure on the government to address the issue.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative 

  6. Engage with civil society organizations: Seek support from civil society organizations working on human rights, freedom of expression, or wrongful imprisonment issues. They may have resources, networks, or legal expertise that can be of assistance in your case.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  7. Keep records and evidence: Document your experiences, including any mistreatment, violations, or denials of basic rights. Maintain records of communications, court appearances (if any), and any interactions with prison authorities.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative

  8. International human rights mechanisms: Explore the possibility of lodging a complaint or seeking assistance from international human rights mechanisms such as the United Nations Human Rights Council, special rapporteurs, or other relevant bodies. These mechanisms can provide a platform to address human rights violations and seek redress.Doesn't work if you are white and conservative. In fact it doesn't matter if you are black and conservative. 

Doesn't work if you are white and conservative But I might be wrong. 

Of course. 

So I wonder - What are the basic Human Rights? Available to All?

Some fundamental rights that apply to everyone include:

  1. Right to life: The right to be free from arbitrary deprivation of life.FAIL - doesn't work for babies
  2. Right to liberty and security of person: The right to be free from arbitrary arrest or detention.FAIL - doesn't work for Julian Assange or the J6
  3. Right to a fair trial: The right to a fair and impartial judicial process.FAIL - doesn't work for too many for me to list here
  4. Right to freedom of expression: The right to express your opinions, beliefs, or ideas.FAIL - for all of us on the Conservative side of politics
  5. Right to freedom of assembly and association: The right to peacefully assemble and associate with others.FAIL - J6, Melbourne, too many places around the world to mention
  6. Right to privacy: The right to be free from unwarranted intrusion into your personal life.FAIL - we all know that one with the barcodes and tracking from mobile devices
  7. Right to equality and non-discrimination: The right to be treated equally and without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics.FAIL - We suddenly had our governments change our language. Who the hell knows what " other protected characteristics " are?

And that my friends, endeth the lesson. 

" Other Protected Characteristics. " 

We are stuffed, aren't we?

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