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When nations all over the world are being led by idiots, fools and people in ivory towers, laws enforced by over zealous generals and troops all too eager to do the government's bidding.......  it seems timely to look at what went wrong and consider a bit of deja vu. 

People Power. Being slowly destroyed by governments all over the world. The right and ability to fight back. 

It was the militia who won the American Revolutionary War ...... no wonder the American government wants to get rid of the guns and the right to form a militia. And it is a tragedy that in so many Nations they have already succeeded. 

Without the right to form a militia, the people have a very reduced power to fight back against a " perceived"  government overbearance.... 

Last night I watched " The Patriot " - a film made in the days before wokeism went viral and destroyed Hollywood. As the 4th of July approaches, and following the disastrous presidential debate, it struck me that it must be time for another debate: that about no taxation without representation. Or about the Declaration of Independence itself. That will be covered in another article shortly.... as will the role of the French in this war so wait for that. 

The American War of Independence was a turning point in history, driven by the colonists' quest for self-governance, economic freedom, and protection of individual rights. The conflict began in 1775 and culminated in American victory and the establishment of an independent nation. The Fourth of July, commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, remains a cornerstone of American identity, symbolising the values of liberty and freedom from governmental oppression.

"The Patriot" follows the journey of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), a composite character inspired by several historical figures, including Francis Marion, (known as the Swamp Fox ) Thomas Sumter, and Daniel Morgan. Martin, a veteran of the French and Indian War, initially seeks to avoid the conflict with Britain but is drawn into the fray after a personal tragedy. His son Gabriel (Heath Ledger) joins the Continental Army, and the narrative centres on their efforts against the brutal British forces, particularly the fictional Colonel William Tavington (Jason Isaacs), inspired by the notorious British officer Banastre Tarleton.

The battles in "The Patriot," such as the climactic Battle of Cowpens, are rooted in actual events. The Battle of Cowpens was a decisive victory for the Continental Army, showcasing the effective use of militia and regular troops against British forces. However, the film condenses and fictionalises aspects of these battles to give us a good watch and value for our ticket price - something lacking I suppose in many films today. One of the most controversial aspects of "The Patriot" is its depiction of British soldiers, particularly Colonel Tavington. The film portrays the British as ruthless and barbaric, burning churches and slaughtering civilians. While there were brutal incidents during the war, historians argue that such depictions are exaggerated and do not fully represent the conduct of British forces, which varied widely.

But these days, after so much horror from the Covid years and the J6 prisoners, the incarceration of Julian Assange... I am bound to question how far we have moved along from these days of governmental overreach. And how far from reality the scenes were in their depiction in the film.  How many were locked into their homes or so called care homes and died while the government left our loved ones to die? 


The Battle of Cowpens, fought on January 17, 1781, was pivotal during the American War of Independence. Located in present-day South Carolina, this battle is celebrated as a masterpiece of military strategy and a significant turning point in the Southern campaign. Led by Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, the American forces achieved a decisive victory against Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton's British troops.

After suffering setbacks in the North, the British shifted their focus to the South, aiming to rally Loyalist support and regain momentum. General Charles Cornwallis, the British commander in the South, dispatched Banastre Tarleton to pursue and neutralise the American forces under Daniel Morgan.

Morgan, an experienced officer, chose to make a stand at Cowpens, a grazing area in the backcountry of South Carolina. He devised a cunning strategy to counter the aggressive tactics of Tarleton, who was known for his relentless and often brutal approach to warfare. His plan involved three main lines of defense:

  1. The Militia Line: Morgan positioned the militia in the front, instructing them to fire two volleys and then retreat. This tactic aimed to entice the British into a premature and disorganized advance, thinking they had broken the American line.

  2. The Continental Line: Behind the militia, Morgan placed seasoned Continental Army troops. These soldiers were instructed to hold their ground and engage the British with steady, disciplined fire.

  3. The Cavalry and Reserve: Morgan kept a contingent of cavalry and reserve troops, including the well-regarded Colonel William Washington's dragoons, hidden on the flanks. Their role was to strike at the opportune moment, enveloping the British forces.

On the morning of January 17, 1781, Tarleton's forces, numbering around 1,100, engaged Morgan's approximately 1,000 men. As planned, the militia fired their volleys and then feigned a retreat, luring Tarleton's troops into a hasty and uncoordinated charge.


When the British reached the Continental line, they encountered stiff resistance. At this critical juncture, Morgan's reserves and cavalry launched a counterattack, striking the British flanks and rear. The combination of the disciplined stand by the Continentals and the well-timed cavalry assault led to the encirclement and rout of Tarleton's forces.

The Battle of Cowpens resulted in a resounding American victory. British casualties were substantial, with over 100 killed, more than 200 wounded, and around 500 captured. Tarleton's forces were decimated, and his reputation suffered a severe blow.

The victory at Cowpens had far-reaching implications: The defeat disrupted Cornwallis's plans and weakened his position in the South. It forced him to reconsider his strategy and contributed to his eventual decision to move his army to Yorktown, Virginia, where he would later face a decisive defeat. Morgan's tactics at Cowpens are studied in military academies as an exemplary use of strategic deception, terrain, and the coordination of infantry and cavalry. What struck me after watching the film was the initial reluctance to take up arms and fight. On the one hand, the Continental Army had many young men sign up but it was the militia who gave them the final shove over the line. The militia consisted primarily of ordinary colonial citizens, including farmers, craftsmen, merchants, and others who were not professional soldiers. These individuals were typically men between the ages of 16 and 60 who were called to serve in times of emergency. Each colony had its own militia system, organised at the local level. The militia was intended to provide a rapid response to threats, such as Native American raids, slave uprisings, or invasions by foreign powers, including British forces during the Revolutionary War. Unlike the Continental Army, which was composed of full-time soldiers, the militia were part-time fighters who returned to their civilian lives when not engaged in military duties. They were often called up for short-term service during specific campaigns or crises. 

Militia units were organised by town or county, with each unit typically led by officers chosen from the local community. These officers were often individuals of higher social standing or those with previous military experience. Training varied widely among militia units. While some received regular drills and training, many had minimal preparation and were equipped with their own weapons, which were often outdated or of poor quality. 

Yet their battle cry was heard all across the Nation. Give me Liberty or Give me Death. 


Their biggest advantage was their use of local knowledge. they were adept at guerrilla tactics, which involved hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and raids. These tactics were particularly effective in the rugged terrain of the American colonies and were used to harass and disrupt British supply lines and communication. In fact, they embodied the colonial spirit of civic duty and self-reliance. Their participation underscored the widespread commitment to the cause of independence among ordinary citizens.

Much like the Resistance in Europe in the Second World War. Citizen armies performing incredible work in the face of the enemy of freedom. 

After the war, the concept of the militia continued to influence American military and civic life. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791, enshrined the right to keep and bear arms and referenced the importance of a well-regulated militia for the security of a free state.

Something to ponder.....................................

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