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This morning I got up and 5.45 am and went out to the front of my house. I am a widow of a Royal Naval person who was a member of the forces that helped save us from goodness only know what fate. I had Uncles who served in the
Army . I feel that Anzac Day is a Day when we can honour those men.

I felt alone this morning, the only one I could see was me .. no one else. But this evening when I walked my little Jack Russell around the two streets that form our area near the beach I saw flags flying , I saw poppies on the letter boxes. Everyone remembered!

I think that the idea of let's get rid of Anzac Day failed.

I think everyone came and said you can lock us down but you cannot take away OUR Anzac Day.

not redhead. photo chosen because it was really nice.

I think and I am sure that this Day the 25th April 2020 will be honoured and remembered for many years to come . Maybe a turning point? 


The spirit of the Australians and New Zealanders remembering their long ago bonds will live on forever no matter what certain factions might try and destroy that bond.


Today, 25 April 2020 we came together and it was a day to be proud of.

Well done Australia and New Zealand.


We are still brothers in arms. Across the sea. Beneath the Southern Cross.  



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