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I wrote an article about Mother’s being the boss.

Apparently, Redhead took this to heart and decided that I needed to fix her bloody magic chair.

Some of you will have read about the magic chair that so changed Redhead’s life. Well, today, that magic chair turned into a lightbulb moment.  A bad back, a  magic chair, a birthday party, a bossy 88 year old and a cold and very hard tile floor…..

It all started at 8.30 am. I had bought some sparklers, a birthday cake and a harness for my elderly rescue cat… we embarked on the 7 km journey to Redhead’s home to join her on this auspicious day.

I was in pain with a very painful back. The goal was to join my Mum and enjoy a cuppa, a slice or two of birthday cake and let my housebound cat have a wander around the garden.. a rare treat for my housemate. Yes, I am female but you get my drift.

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We set off. Through the roadblocks where a bridge is being replaced, we weaved and meandered through the detours that seem so much part of our lives right now.

Detours. Roadblocks. Signs that that thank us for being RESPONSIBLE.

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The cheap, chinese manufactured cat harness broke. The cat sat on the back of my driver’s seat in full view of the road crew and any passing cop. I could see a $200 fine in the rear view mirror the entire trip.

The cake and sparklers sat on the passenger seat and I envisaged the cat landing in the middle of the cake and exploding in a panic attack that involved lemon icing, carrot cake and a rather large insurance bill.

I staggered in, cat in my arms and a welcoming from a nippy geriatric and cantankerous old Jack Russell, who we call Little Sid because he is such a jealous little shit at times but can do no wrong in Redhead’s eyes.

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Now, Redhead has a bit of a hip problem at the moment. Probably as a result of the fall she had a few months ago ( gee, I didn’t realise how much of Redhead’s life is being relayed here )  so I was worried about her pain level and ability to enjoy her birthday.

But, oh, no! She was in fine fettle and, when I limped in, cat in hand, cake and sparklers in “tother” , I expected a sympathetic and kind show of love ‘ you poor thing, Shaydee!  Sit down immediately and let’s enjoy this cake and joyous day… “


No such luck. Instead it was “ oh, thank goodness you are here! “

I was suddenly worried – what had happened? Was she given bad news? Was something dreadful about to be imparted to me? “

“ What’s wrong? “ I asked, worried about what I would hear.

“ The plug has come out of my magic chair and it won’t work anymore!!!!”

I ditched the cat, the cake and the sparklers and limped, hand on back ( for dramatic effect ) to the scene of the crime: the place where the magic chair resides in pride of place in the room we know as “ Mum’s Room. “

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In true “ Mother is Boss “  mode, Redhead asked me to fix the bloody chair.

So I did.

What gets me is that I, without question, got down on the COLD, HARD, TILE floor and did as I was told. Because I love her.

“ Oh, I do hope your back isn’t hurting too much… but, oh, it will be MARVELLOUS to have my chair back! “

So I lay, on the floor and finally found the plug and fixed the magic chair. After all she carried me on her back for years.

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Getting up was a bit more problematic. Little Sid the Jack Russell was enthusiastically urging me on by nipping at my feet, legs and head and I ignored him.

We can all get down on our knees but, wow, is it hard to get back up again. As I lay on the floor, I couldn’t help but wonder how Pelosi and the Left will get back up.

I ended up having some birthday cake,  propped up in the magic chair, having a massage and reminded that Mum is ALWAYS BOSS.

Thank God for President Trump and Happy Birthday Redhead.

My lesson for today is that no matter how many detours are placed, no matter how many roads are closed, no matter how many hard cold floors you have to kneel upon, you can always get up and stand again. Or do we simply stand by?


And no matter how many Jack Russell’s nip your heels, no matter how old you are, we can get up and rise again.

We MUST rise or forever stay on our knees.

I will go on my knees for my parents. And God.  

No one else.  Or is it too late?

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