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My late father hated four-leggers. He could not say the word that is spelled beginning with an R , has the middle letter A and ends with the letter T. Four leggers to him, as a child of the Great Depression, were the harbingers of disease and despair. His distaste for their very existence was bordering on being a phobia. Even their smaller cousins, mice, were repugnant to him. 


As a young girl, I inherited his fear and abhorrence. Much like a parent who is afraid of a thunderstorm will infect the children with a fear, I was a child who worshipped my Dad and if he loved something, I would love it. If he hated it, I would hate it.

My Mum  was not and is not so fixated with this preoccupation with fear of rodents. In fact, only this morning, Redhead proudly informed me that her 10 year old female Pixie Bobcat, Daisy, had brought home a rather plump and well-nourished four-legger that Daisy had managed to pounce on and defeat in Redhead's backyard.

Miss Daisy, driven by her instinctive hunting memory, had gone into the garden and found a four legger of rather generous proportions. She brought it back to Redhead and displayed it with great pride. The only thing that was missing was the garnish on top; otherwise, it would have been fit for a Masterchef episode of the " Cats do Masterchef. "



We have had heavy rain of late and it would seem that the rodents enjoy this weather. So much so that they are breeding like . well , like four-leggers. I live in a unit complex and my building manager tells me he is extracting 2 and 3 of the vermin from the swimming pool each day.

I chatted with Redhead about this and we wondered if perhaps the reason she is getting four-leggers is because she installed snake deterrents? 

After all, snakes, like some certain Asian communities, don't mind a bit of mouse in their diet. And if they don't mind a bit of mouse, a four legger would be a mackerel in comparison to catching a sprout. 



Which got me thinking.

Maybe the mouse plague out in South Western Queensland could be solved if we just caught the little buggers and sent them to China for their dining pleasure?

If they don't want our coal or seafood, maybe a few billion mice could be our next export market?

Many places in Australia have issues with bats. 

Another export opportunity.


What if we started bringing snakes into the west and they got plumped out with mouse menus?  We could catch them and send them off to China?

We could corner the market.

Forget the iron ore, the coal and the milk powder.

We could solve the mouse plague, the bat bedlam and the snake scenario in one swoop. Export them to China.


After all, they don't mind a bit of exotic cuisine. 

Personally, I rather like the idea of exporting the crap and keep the richness of our natural resources. 

Australia currently has a billion or so four leggers going begging. We have bats and snakes aplenty.

Canberra, send them to China as foreign aid.

 And let's keep our coal and lithium and uranium and iron ore for more discerning clientele.

Or are we too plagued by China to eradicate the menace that is not named? CCP? 

Are we being overwhelmed by vermin being imported by our governments and do not realise that the aim of the horde is to overwhelm us and the CCP will eat us and them when the feast is over? 

Are the migrants the mice and is China the snake? 

It doesn't matter who is the snake or who is the mouse. What matters is that WE are the victims.


Like four-leggers jumping from a ship, we are being overrun by those that seek to eat our food, live in our homes, and take our hard-earned dollars.

We are being overrun by Communism emanating from Beijing.  America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Canada are suffering a plague of the vermin that is Marxism and the Left. A plague of people who hate us and are destroying our countries and Xi is laughing all the way to the bank and to his ultimate goal: to use the moslems to destroy our culture.

Once they have done it, the CCP will swoop in and sort out the " pest control ", much like they are doing with the Uighurs in China.

They scurry and run and infest our lives with their nests of young that we wake up to each morning through MSM and our governmental broadcasts.

We are facing a plague. A plague of monumental proportions. Yet we sit with the problem on our heads and we ignore it, because we have been too busy worrying about a virus that is no worse than a bad flu. 


The Virus propaganda is out of control. 

The takeover and raiding of our rural sector is draining us of resilience to defend ourselves.

Our water, our land, our education system and our values are being sold to China by those we elected to defend us.
Our sense of cultural heritage has been taken from us by those we thought were there to help us, not destroy us.

Across the world, people are being overwhelmed by a plague of vermin and anyone who tries to stand up and fight is knocked, down and poisoned by the very government we elected. And we all sit back and do nothing.

After all, it was the Year of the Rat in 2020. But it was was the year of the pig in 2019.




It is now the year of the Ox. There is much work to be done.

Though it is heartening to know that 2022 is the year of the Tiger. 

Let's hope the tiger isn't a rat in disguise.



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