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 “I promise you if I'm elected president you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We’re going to cure cancer.”

I have heard some big promises made by Politicians, but this one is a whopper. The tragedy is that he, like most of the Left, not only get away with it, but gets applause for it! If Trump cured Cancer, he’s be accused of putting hundreds of thousands of Nurses and Oncologists out of work. But Uncle Joe is going to perform a modern miracle and cure Cancer – but only if he is elected President. What if he loses or doesn’t even get the nomination? Will he say “ well, that’s it. I won’t be curing Cancer after all. “ ?

Thank goodness people like Dr Ben Carson didn’t need to be President to save people’s lives… he just does it every day because he is a good man and a highly qualified neurologist who actually does it because he loves his fellow mankind.


This statement by Joe Biden may have actually sounded a tad sincere if he had said “ I, like so many of you, have seen the suffering that Cancer causes. If I am elected President, I will everything in my power to improve the healthcare and research needed to wipe out this terrible disease. “  That would  actually be a plausible statement.

But no, like so many things that Democrats say, it reeked of insincerity and was a statement full of hollow puffery designed to appeal to the average leftist voter with an IQ of a gnat.

I have read about dogs that can smell Cancer. Do you think that Uncle Joe has that ability and only sniffs little girls and women because he is trying to check their health status out? Perhaps this is what he was really saying – that he promises that, if elected President, he will sniff every single female in America? He may also have the gift that our Lord Jesus Christ had – the ability to cure leprosy with the mere laying on of his hands?  Joe Biden may just be honing his skills and power? He doesn’t grope them at all – it is merely him doing his bit for preventative medicine?

uncle joe

There have been rumours floating around that he is also a bit of a natural when it comes to horticulture, climate change and fiscal management. He is about to announce that he can grow money on trees. His research has shown that every time they have another crop of money, they absorb bullshit that would otherwise give off methane – staggering stuff, that bullshit. Problem is it isn’t from cows, but from democrats. But there are still quite a few of them so I suppose every little bit helps. Bullshit wise.


My personal feeling is that he would be better off focusing on curing something that is becoming almost endemic among Lefties today.

Stupidity. Now that would be a miracle.

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