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I used to think that the present didn’t matter. After all, the present is the past within the blink of an eye. I was wrong. It is from the present that we can preserve the past and protect the future. I now realise that it is the present that is the most important time of all.

We are now facing a time whereby our Present will determine not only our Future, but our Past as well.

As an avid reader of Science Fiction and Space Opera, historical novels and Politics, on face value I go from one extreme to the other. Not so. All three are so closely intertwined that they are actually indivisible. The Past, The Present and the Future are already pre determined. By our memories.


I was at my parent’s home yesterday and I saw an oil painting of the beach that they live near. It is a painting of a dog sitting beside an old timber seat. There are windsurfers and dog walkers and the beach is awash with surf that is rolling in. It has been there for years. Their little Jack Russell posing on the dunes is at the forefront. He was a young pup at the time and now an elderly gent.

The dunes have come and gone so many times since the painting was created. The old wooden seat washed away years ago when a storm surge took it and the dunes. The windsurfers and dog walkers have been to work, married, had children and some of those in the painting have died. Time has marched on yet here, in this painting, there is a moment frozen in time. The dog is still with us.The same but different.

Over the years, decades and centuries, a beach becomes covered in the tread marks of people who marched, skipped, lay, embraced, were born, died and fought upon its surface.

We now have an incoming tide of people and ideologies who wish to wipe the beach clean and remove our imprints on its metaphorical memory. In that way, the beach will seem to be a blank canvas on which to paint a new past and, in doing so, create a new future. But underneath that new painting there will still be the defiant image of the seat, the windsurfers and the little Jack Russell.


You can change a place name, ban a book or lock up a dissenter, but the grains of sand still wear the tread and the beat of the drum that is the heart of those who used to be.

Socialists around the world are so busy trying to eradicate history, its teaching and its authenticity. 
People think that they can manipulate truth but it is impossible. As so many cultures from around the world have proven, oral history lasts longer than any written word. Memories are long and no matter how many books are burned, records altered or people removed from commentary, that thing called truth will somehow keep springing back like a seedling in a barren landscape.
History is invincible. No matter what armies try to kill it, destroy it, bury it or suppress it. Because history is truth. All else is propaganda.


In every house in every land around the world, there is a photograph, a painting, a person who has a memory.

This is what the likes of Shorten and Ardern should fear. The painting. The photograph. The memory.

Even as they try to take away our memories and our traditions and our values all they are doing is making our memories sharper. For every time that they sweep our beach clean, we walk back and make new footprints and new memories. They may steal our right to speak, to write and to express our opinions but they can never steal our memories.

We have become that Jack Russell sitting in the dunes in a painting … we may be older; we may be the grandchildren who played with him when he was a young pup; but we all hold our memories dear.

And Shorten and Ardern need to, like all Politicians around the world TODAY, remember one very important fact.

Jack Russell’s have attitude.  We will not be painted out.

painting over


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