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Poor Billy Big Boobs. He thought he had it in the bag. He was heading to The Lodge and Chloe had already picked the curtains. But something went wrong. The weather changed and he was left unprepared for the f##k you vote that the quiet Aussies exercised. And exercise it they did. The Climate Changed and he was left in the gutter of irrelevance.

How amazing was that? The f##k you vote.

The UK got the message loud and clear during the recent EU elections. They voted for Farage and said “ F##k you “ to the Tories. The people in Honkers (for those of you who aren’t with the programme, that’s Hong Kong in layman terms) are saying f##k you to China and the yellow vesters in France are marching, wiping tear gas from their eyes and saying f##k you.

This will probably the first and only article on this site to feature f##k you more times than any other two words and I am going for a record. If you don’t like it, then f##k you.

People have said f#k you to Theresa May and there are a lot of people in France who have said f##k you to Macron and his Mummy. Canadians are starting to look at Trudeau and say f##k you – except they probably don’t want to f##k him as such – only get him to ##k off and get out of Ottowa.

The Kiwis are stuck with Jacinda Ardern ( f##k her ) and it is only because of Winston Peters, the slime ball who betrayed the New Zealand People by giving her the rule of the Nation ( oh, and ##k you Winston Peters – to hell and back. )

Oh, the language.


Getting back to Bill Shorten, the dude with the facial growths who was accused of rape but said he didn’t because she was a liar ( I didn’t F##k her sort of thing ) well, he got F##ked by the voters and lost the election and poor Chloe had to cancel the skip bin, curtains and furniture removalists.

Now we have the Premier of Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk, aka Pluck a chook, deciding that, after 8 long years, she will approve a coal mine and take the royalties because her Government has squandered the dosh and left the State so far in debt that there is no way that it will ever recover. And people hated Sir Joh Bjelke Peterson because he was a crook… one that had money in the bank and was a God fearing man who banned pornography and gambling and never once said f##k. In fact, Sir Joh used to say that talking to the Press was like feeding the chooks  And he was the rooster when it came to chooks - God rest his wonderful soul.


Poor Billy Big Boobs. Like so many Leftie luvvies, he backed the greenies, the Al Gore Fan Club and the “ ban plastic straws but give me free needles for heroin “ brigade and wondered why the people said f##k you.

The winners in the f##k you vote are the quiet people, the people who never used to swear but now swear privately, all of the time.  The losers are those that tell us that we are worthless.

All I can say is f##k the lot of them. And I love Trump. If you don’t then f##k you.

The End.

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