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For 26 long years the UN and their tame media have promoted their expensive annual climate carnivals. This month they will flock to Glasgow for COP 26 but they will not arrive on Shetland ponies, penny farthings or sailing boats - hydro-carbon energy will get most of them there and keep them warm and well fed.

These jamborees are designed to spread climate lies and green energy propaganda.

In the beginning, the witch-doctors of the global warming religion spread lurid tales of drowning polar bears, rising sea levels, dying corals and spreading deserts - all blamed on the wicked coal, oil, cattle and cars that they claim are destroying our green planet. Those disasters never happened. Now truant school kids (who learn their version of climate “science” from smart-phones and social media) are promoting emission reduction by gluing themselves to roads.

The media love scare stories. But despite alarming model projections, decades have passed with no unusual global warming, so their shock stories changed to “wild weather” and every cyclone, tornado, drought, bushfire or flood was trumpeted as proof of looming disaster. “Storms” morphed into “super-storms”, “bushfires” became “fire-storms” and now the media can report “super-tornadoes” without defining them.

It’s time for: “Truth-telling in Glasgow”.

The coming northern winter will confirm the first energy truth – wind, solar, batteries and electric vehicles will not keep people warm and well fed.  The soaring demand for hydrocarbon fuels, the coming electricity blackouts and rationing, and bare grocery shelves will reveal what the media won’t. In the interests of accuracy, COP26 should be rebranded “Cut Our Power 26”.

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It’s also time for truthful climate models. Even with sneaky revisions of past records and reinvention of the Hockey Stick, the model forecasts have been wrong for over 40 years – there is no dangerous global warming.

It’s also time to bury the myth that “the science” supports global warming alarm. Hundreds of thousands of qualified and experienced scientists have joined sceptic lists over many years.

The Glasgow tourists should take a pre-COP trip to cold Norway where yet another group of sceptical scientists will launch at the University of Stavanger on the 12th of October.

Maybe they will get a chance to take pictures of iced-up wind turbines or snow-covered solar panels. However the one-eyed media probably prefers pictures of immature school girls chanting slogans and blocking roads?

It looks likely that Glasgow will kick some spectacular own goals. Only an incompetent alarmist would organise a Global Warming meeting in cold Glasgow, with winter approaching and with threats of food, electricity and fuel shortages. Maybe Boris is secretly on our side?





Viv Forbes
Washpool   Qld        4306        Australia

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Read More:

Testimony of Greta Thunberg, Swedish school girl:

Testimony of John R. Christy Professor of Atmospheric Science, Alabama State Climatologist University of Alabama in Huntsville:

More Sceptical Norwegians:


South Pole sees record cold weather:


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