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Lines are drawn on maps and continents carved up according to some pre-ordained or directed order: create a country, a state or a new political identity by drawing a pen line on a map.

Someone, somewhere, decides that this is where a border will go and so shall it be. The worker ants scurry off to carry out the master's orders. 

I live in a small town in Queensland. Many years ago, someone in Brisbane decided to do a town plan for my little slice of heaven - Noosa - and, back in about 1949, commissioned someone in Brisbane to create a town plan.

One of the most well-known streets in Australia is Hastings Street. It follows the small finger of land that lies between the Noosa River on one side and the magnificent waters of Laguna Bay on the other. The town planner got to work and plotted a gazetted road, Hastings Street, that ran from this spit and ran all the way to Little Cove, Cutting a long story short, that man in Brissie had no idea that a rather large and unforgiving hill lay between Hastings Street and what we now know as Upper Hastings Street. To this day, all these decades later, there is a tract of land that is a gazetted road where no road could ever be built.

Such is the wisdom of bureaucracy. 

When Lord Louis Mountbatten was sent to India to oversee the division of India and Pakistan into Hindu India and Moslem Pakistan, little did he know that he would be front and centre in a decision that would still be playing out today on the world stage.

A line had been drawn on a map and as a result, the rush to split the country into two countries on August 15, 1947, left millions stranded on the wrong side of the new border and sparked the largest migration in history.

Nearly 14 million refugees fled their homes as entire villages were butchered. One million died. And over 70 years later, the two countries still struggle for control of disputed regions like Kashmir, where more than 50,000 people have been killed by extremists on both sides in the last 20 years.

Lines on maps MEAN something. 


You see, even in this video that features images of what happened, history is now censored. What is wrong with us> Are we this fragile? 

Not ( as is the case in Noosa ) merely a rather silly error in ignoring typography, but in ignoring the PEOPLE who live in the places where political lines are drawn and to hell with the damage done.

A line on a map. 

In Australia today, a group of colonies that decided to band together and create a Federation of States over 100 years ago is now divided because of lines on a map.

Those that live on one side of a street are now unable to visit their friends and families on the other side of the line on the map. People cannot come home because of some line on a map that renders them " rejected " and they must stay where they are.

Prior to Federation in 1901, Australia was a group of colonies, run by governors who had little fiefdoms - all controlled by Britain. If Britain told the Governors to jump, they would ask how high and then set out doing as ordered.


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It has been a long time since Britain lit the fire cracker under our toes. Now, it is our Federal Government, no doubt doing the globalists bidding. Of late, all they seem to be is income tax collectors and do little other than dish out the dosh and allow our premiers to do as they want.


It is long but it is worth the effort.


The Federal Government is impotent, meaningless, and no more effective than the Monarch who holds a titular appointment. In name only.

Don't get me wrong. I love Queen Elizabeth and her portrait hangs with pride in my home. 

But, heaven forbid, if Charles is KIng, my loyalty is gone.

My Queen will always have her portrait on my wall but I will NEVER embrace a monarchy under a rule of a wimpy weak kneed left wing fool who wants to see the destruction of what Queen Victoria and Prince Albert built.

Nor will I accept a Prime Minister or governance over my right to sovereignty over my life, my freedom, and my choice.

No government has that right.

No one.

When I arrived here, I came to a country that was free and open to embrace Australia, its ideals, its heroes and its way of life.

I came to a place of sausage sizzles, Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin. 

 And the Leyland Brothers.

 I loved those days.

The days when Australia was Australia. 

I  miss the Australia I came to all those years ago.

That place that mocked my Kiwi vowels and still embraced me before I was told by my governments that I was not of value unless I had a shot of poison in my arm or embraced something that would make me " compliant. "

I  miss my Australia. The one I came to all those decades ago.

In past times, I was of value because I worked and paid taxes and contributed to Australia.

We often talk about getting rid of one tier of Government. Dispense with the states. 

I suggest that perhaps - after Morrison's latest furore into the arena of International Politics, he is no different to Prince Charles. A useless and unneeded wheel in a car that is already very, very wobbly.

For myself, I never thought I would see the day that I would prefer to tackle crooked state government and revert to being colonies. It chills me to think that I feel this way.

There was a time when I would have defended the Monarchy, the Federation and the love of my Australia to the hilt.

But when the Monarchy and the Federation abandon me I have to wonder: why am I defending them when they no longer defend me?

I am no fan of my state government. I am no fan of my local government. 

But I simply cannot see why we have a federal government when our states have already made lines on the map that appear to be more important than the ones that divide us, as a Nation, by sea?

When federation is just the overseeing of lines on a map, not about governance, I have to wonder why we pay for their existence. 

Morrison has done NOTHING to unite Australia and our state premiers are doing everything to divide us. 

Ultimately it comes down to who is in charge and who is drawing the lines on the map. 

Right now, it isn't us. 


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