Can you help keep Patriotrealm on line?




I remember when… I started this site

It was 3 years ago. I had become disgruntled with and disillusioned by my inability to fully express myself on other blogs or online media, So I, with the support of my family, embarked on a journey that has been both gratifying and frustrating,

However, I have forged on and been able to bring to light some amazing talent and some incredible stories.

Our message was simple: love your country. Love your history. Love your family values. Love your children, your elderly and your yet to be born.

Our articles have been thought provoking; they have been often amusing; they have been sad; they have triggered long forgotten memories or caused some to shed a tear or laugh.

On that level, I believe that Patriotrealm has been very very successful.

However, we have never managed to get a foothold in the loyalty department or the commenting and feedback side of things.

Day after day, week after week and month after month, we seem to be like the tree in the forest that falls: will anyone even know that we lived and sprang forth in the first place?

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to call it a day.

The amount of effort that is put into writing, illustrating and formatting the articles has been disappointing.

I have spent much of the past few weeks largely bedridden due to a dreadful fall. I have tried my best to keep things going but it would seem that it matters little that our articles are heartfelt and come from the deep seated love of patriotism. What matters is that few seem to care what we write, who writes or that we write.

Other blogs could post an article about the colour of paint and the loyal followers will praise the choice and then meander off into whatever it is that tickles their fancy.

And I don’t blame them. My steadfast belief that a moderated commenting system would allow those of us less forthcoming to speak out was misguided.

A free for all is apparently more agreeable… and fair enough too.

As I sit here considering what I have achieved over the past 3 years, I can only hope that it had some merit. Even if only a smidging.

My heart is truly heavy as I write this article.

I gave it my best shot.

I have used the donations I received to pay the hosting in advance so that you have the opportunity to archive any posts you consider worth saving.

When that funding is exhausted , the site will be gone so I urge you to go through the 800 odd articles published and save as many as you wish. There are so many that are marvellous and well worth archiving.

My sincere thanks to those of you who have supported me and Patriotrealm over the years: your generosity of heart and wallet will never be forgotten.

And thank you to those who decided it was their task to bring us down. You did well. You know who you are. 

Tomorrow will be our last article. IT is written by Happy Expat. It is about Armistice Day.

It is fitting.

Please never forget what we tried to do and. In our small way, we truly tried to make a difference.



 At least I gave it my best shot. 

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