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 If you are like me, you will probably be sick and tired of this Covid, Vaccine, Climate Change, Build Back Better roundabout. It just keeps going around and around like an old vinyl record on permanent replay, or the movie " Groundhog Day " watched over and over and over again. I want to get to my destination, but, what worries me is that the destination may be so awful that I would be better off on the carousel. Waiting it out.

In a few short years, we have witnessed the destruction of everything that we accepted as NORMAL and had it replaced with THE NEW NORMAL - a Great Reset to our lives and our society. We are told to build back better, but, in order to rebuild, we must first see something destroyed.

A few years ago, Australia endured one of the worst bushfire seasons it has had in some time. Homes and lives destroyed ... by climate change or by left wing arsonists and green tape that prevented creating firebreaks or controlled burns? Millions of dollars raised to help victims build back better. To rebuild homes and, with a fair and responsible system of governance in place, see bushland cleared of debris; firebreaks maintained and people ALLOWED to carry out commonsense and responsible land management.


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Much was made of our Prime Minister being in Hawaii when this happened. I doubt that Morrison has ever been able to live it down.


 Right or wrong, it put fuel on a fire that the left love to stoke.

The Old Normal would have never seen this happen in the first place. The firebreaks would have been maintained, the landowners would have cleared the trees from around their homes and we would have been ALLOWED to build dams, use water and do with what we owned as we saw fit. Because we owned the land. Our National Parks would have been cared for and our tragic loss of native wildlife would not have occurred without interfering busybodies from the left and greenie faction trying to control our day to day lives, livelihoods and freedoms of choice. 

No such luck.

Does the money still sit unspent? Are these people still  in limbo because of Green Tape or Red Tape Because so called experts haven't finished discussing whatever the hell it is they discuss?

By the way, I don't live in one of the areas impacted by the bushfires. I was on the fringe but. thankfully escaped unscathed.

But I wonder just how many are still living in tents or dongers ( a donger is a transportable building common in the bush.) waiting for the bureaucrats to finish having their chin wags and make a bloody decision and give them some money and a green light to start to Build Back Better?

Alan Jones used to tell us what was happening to the people from the bushfires. Tell us about the farmers ravaged by the droughts, the mice plagues and the water shortages in our rural communities. Now, nothing. 


from August 2020

Not a squeak ( forgive the mouse reference ) or a spark of concern ( ditto ) or a word about anyone who endured the hell of pre covid Australian disasters. No, these days it is all about bloody covid.

The bushfires became all about climate change and not a jot was said about preventable disaster, arsonists and irresponsible and neglectful land management.

All we heard were the moronic ravings of a young petulant Swedish teenager telling us that climate change was real and that she should be in school instead of trying to save us - like some kind of latter day Joan of Arc ( give me Joan of Arc any day ); 


 From Pauline Hanson, Senator for One NationTemperatures are in Celsius.

Now, we are told that even covid is as a result of climate change - give me strength to endure this endless stupidity from the ranks of the left.

All we hear these days is " Build Back Better " or " The Great Reset " or, heaven forbid " We are all in this together. "

These catchy phrases are ruling our lives, our livelihoods and our futures.

I recently read that Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, Socialist United Nations loving crusader for everything left wing, green and unbloody believable, has banned smoking for young people so as to breed out smoking in her country. Good luck with that. She must have forgotten about The Prohibition in America and human nature: If we are told not to do something, we tend to do the opposite just to piss people off. But that is another article.

She also forgot the other lesson: smoking is a huge money maker.

A lot of these characters are Australian - sorry for that, my American readers. But the message is still pretty evident.


In his 2016 book " The Great Reset " Klaus Schwab said that we will own nothing and be happy. Yeah, right. Tell that to the people who have lost their homes in a tornado in Kentucky, a bushfire in Australia or  a man who lost his job and his home because he would not be vaccinated against his will.

What climate change failed to do, covid has carried out with resounding success. 


 As author Mark Keenan suggests:

The United Nations, European Union, and most governments are not serving the people, for decades they have been prioritising the interests of private bankers who control the money system; and the interests of institutions, such as the WEF, which prioritises the interests of privately-owned mega-corporations. The privately owned banking/money creation system is the head of the snake.

The current worldwide situation has serious implications for the future of worldwide society and human wellbeing. The ‘reset’ agenda is an imposition against human freedoms is being exposed worldwide.

As sovereign free peoples, we urgently need to start planning, connecting with each other and creating much more self-sufficient local communities, towns, and regions free of the mainstream economy. Whilst respecting ‘real’ environmental principles and the natural world we rely on, we should disavow the fake deceptive narratives of the ‘reset’, sustainable development and combating climate change. The path for success involves personal freedom and local independence – not centralization, authoritarianism and slavery. If people are not dependent on the system they cannot be controlled by the system. How many people will accept the globalist authoritarian system and how many will fight for freedom and create their own local systems? You are part of the answer. source

If we don't stop this madness now, we will own NOTHING but, I can assure you, many of us will NOT be happy.

The problem we face is our voting system. Preferential voting. How does it work? Well, I will leave it up to Pauline to explain.

 Of course, money is always the great motivator, Unless campaign funds come flooding in, all the horses on the roundabout would be in dire straits. No money? No preferential voting? No dodgy deals at the  back of the bike sheds? 

No win.

By the way, I am a big fan of Craig Kelly. 



We are being treated like sheep and, unless or until we stop accepting that label, we will become nothing more than sheep, without the fleece on our backs because that will have been long shorn and there will be nothing left to fleece. Except for our souls.


I read this comment online recently from a bloke calling himself Glenn. I leave it to him to finish my article off. 

"It's just a mask."

"It's just six feet."

"It's just two weeks."

"It's just non essential businesses."

"It's just non essential workers."

"It's just a bar."

"It's just a restaurant."

"It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals."

"It's just to make the cases go down."

"It's just to flatten the curve."

"It's just a few inmates."

"It's just to keep others from getting scared."

"It's just for a few more weeks."

"It's just church. You could still pray."

"It's just a bracelet."

"It's just an app."

"It's just for tracing."

"It's just to let others know you're safe to be around."

"It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with."

"It's just a few more months."

"It's just a large gathering but for protests."

"It's just a few violent protests."

"It's just a vaccine."

"It's just a little microchip."

"It's just a blood test."

"It's just a scan."

"It's just for medical information."

"It's just a vaccination certificate."

"It's just like a credit card."

"It's just a few places that don't take cash."

"It's just so you can travel."

"It's just so you can get your driver's license."

"It's just so you can vote."

"It's just a few more years."

"It's just a place to stay short term, its just a camp, its just too re educate you, it's just an organ, it's just a a family member, its just a communal shower"

Is that a guillotine?

It's just your head. Chop!

It's just the New World Order...

Footnote: This is excellent!



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