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To help “flatten the curve,” New Zealand’s Ministry of Health has decided to allow doctors to murder all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients deemed unlikely to survive.

A new euthanasia law expands the criteria for receiving a lethal injection to those who test “positive” for the Fauci Flu with a fraudulent PCR test.

Reports indicate that people who are “suffering unbearably” from the “consequences” of covid are also now eligible for a lethal injection.

When asked for clarity about the new law, which came into effect last month, the New Zealand government stated that “in some circumstances, a person with Covid-19 may be eligible for assisted dying.”

This admission was made after Henoch Kloosterboer, editor of the anti-euthanasia The Defender website, made a request under the Official Information Act, which is New Zealand’s version of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

It appears as though New Zealand’s euthanasia law, which was passed at the very same time that a cannabis legalization measure was defeated, was written intentionally vaguely with many loopholes so as to leave “the door wide open for abuse,” according to Kloosterboer – especially if New Zealand’s health service claims that it is becoming “overwhelmed” with another covid “surge.”

“It would not be hard to envisage a situation in which a speedy and sizeable rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations could result in pressure to utilize euthanasia and assisted suicide as tools to resolve such a serious crisis,” Kloosterboer is quoted as saying.

The new euthanasia law, he further added, “has now made the Covid-19 pandemic potentially even more dangerous for the people of … New Zealand.”

New Zealand’s euthanasia law is the world’s most extreme (but don’t you DARE touch cannabis)


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The 2019 End of Life Choice Act, as it is called, is widely considered to be one of the most extreme in the world. It’s so-called “safeguards” are so flimsy that almost any circumstance or excuse could easily circumvent its restrictions.

Meanwhile, New Zealanders who wish to smoke a little cannabis to calm their nerves, pain and the insanity of the day – which would likely lead many of them to no longer desire suicide at all – can still be prosecuted with prejudice, thanks to the government’s simultaneous rejection of legalization.

The new euthanasia law guarantees the “right” of all New Zealanders to access a doctor who will kill them within a period as short as four days from receiving a request. Anyone who is considered to be terminally ill within six months, in an advanced state of irreversible physical decline, or who is suffering unbearably (again, cannabis can help with this), is now eligible for assisted suicide.

Even worse is the fact that New Zealand doctors are almost incentivized to kill their patients thanks to a provision that allows them to receive $1,000 from the government for every death they perform.

One silver lining in all this is that only 96 of the country’s 16,000 physicians have thus far agreed to participate in the program. And all but one of the nation’s 32 hospices have said that they will not permit euthanasia, period.

“The one exception – Totara Hospice in South Auckland – has agreed to allocate space on its premises for the practice while its staff will conscientiously object to any participation,” the Catholic Herald (U.K.) reports.

As an example of how New Zealand’s euthanasia law might be applied, consider the fact that in Canada, where similar provisions exist, a 90-year-old woman recently opted to die by assisted suicide rather than endure yet another Chinese Virus lockdown. She was not even sick, just to be clear, but chose to die rather than remain forcibly isolated from her friends and family.

Meanwhile, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has reopened her country to large sex orgies, which she now says are completely safe just so long as they are attended by 25 swingers or fewer.

“A lot of people will be euthanized without their consent,” warned one commenter at Infowars about what will likely end up happening in New Zealand (and anywhere else such policies are adopted). “Count on it.”

“At $1,000 a death, most doctors will end up being sellouts to the new world order,” wrote another. “‘Assisted suicide’ will skyrocket with a little help from ventilators and remdesivir … in the U.S., federal hospitals are covid execution facilities, soon to be joined by New Zealand.”


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