Can you help keep Patriotrealm on line?




  • What is going on in our country..... the world? Our whole way of life is under threat. 
  • Our Prime Minister's daughter apparently writes a poem. Good grief. Is this what we have come to?
  • Some words written by a marketing team and attributed to a young girl? Come on. Please.
  • “My land called Australia. My heart soiled in loving grace. My cherished home filled with love and ancient dreaming. The high mountain ranges in between my gazes with the outback on the horizon we can see new beginnings.
  • “Through fire, famine, flood and pandemics, it’s going, going, going. We will never tire out. We’ll keep our flags up and let it fly, fly, fly. Australia, my land, my country of hardship, my country of grace, my country of stars.
  • “Don’t care how much you try to persuade me, give me books, money and lovely birch trees. Nothing can take my love from this land. Nothing can take the smile off my face when we get a sunburn and lie for a bit, my friends and family can ride together down to the river, beach or bay, we can sit and reminisce about the time the sun sprays.
  • “Yes, of course you can do that anywhere but can you see the drop bears there?”
  • If you believe she wrote that, all I can say is that you have had a clot shot and your brain is addled. 
  • I am over this government with its marketing rubbish The crocodile tears, the " sincere " words, and the blatant hypocrisy. 
  • I say one of the best things I ever read was something I learned in Sunday School. And it sure told me all I needed to know about life.
  • " In my Father's house, there are many mansions.  "
  • There lies the problem that the entire world is facing right now. This world is made up of many mansions and we have to stop trying to turn the whole of civilisation into a smoothie of blended people.
  • Picture this if you will. You have a collection of Australians, Americans, French and Germans. Africans from all number of countries and they are all assembled on a kitchen bench. Klaus Schwab and his mates come along and say " let's make a smoothie! " 
  • They want to put us all into a mixer and churn us all into a blended gooey mess and, when they are done, we will be the tonic the planet didn't even know it needed.
  • Well, I don't know about you, but I rather like being who I am and am not that fussed about being shoved into a blender and mixed up genetically - I suspect that my individual flavour would be lost and overpowered by the intrusion of the blended ME. That essence of who I am.
  • The strange thing is that when I started this site, I did so thinking that a patriot was someone who loved his or her country. The sense of nationhood. Of belonging to that collective identity.
  • But today, through a chance conversation with one of our community, I realised that it is something quite different.
  • It is the love of our sense of identity and our right to identify as part of a community yet still occupy our own mansion. The right to free thought and the right to speak and live without government interference. 
  • "  I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." 
  • In other words, bugger off governments and let us run our lives in accordance with the 10 Commandments.
  • bib22
  • Don't let your government rule your life
  • Don't make pop stars and movie stars more important than you or your opinion
  • Don't let MSM become more important than you - they are NOT 
  • Take a day off. Spend time with your loved ones. Don't stay away from them because your fear them or what they say or believe.
  • Remember that your family is more important than just about anything else. Your parents might know a thing or two and maybe having a loving family unit is better than a buck in the bank or a mask on your face
  • Don't go murdering people or hitting out in anger because all that will happen is that someone will die and you will end up dead. If not literally, it will happen spiritually or metaphorically.
  • Don't think that a casual night on the town will not have consequences. Loyalty in all relationships matters. Without it, you don't have a mansion. You just have four walls and a mortgage on your soul.
  • Don't lie. Lies always get you in the end and no one likes a dobber. 
  • Don't be envious. Of someone's looks, wealth or just about anything. The only thing that I have ever envied is someone's knowledge and I have strived to improve mine and not destroy his or hers.
  • Our community is a mansion within a bigger house. It is a palace, a place of pride and great beauty. It is a home that is tended with pride and love and fierce protection is afforded to its walls, windows, fences and borders.
  • It might be a farm, a small acreage, an urban apartment or a single room in a shared space. That sense of ownership and pride within a shared community is the mansion that we all crave and desperately wish to protect.
  • Our space within the House is our Mansion and our NEED and our RIGHT to protect its boundaries is vital to the feeling of BELONGING.
  • In my opinion, Patriotism is actually belonging to a community and being able to be an individual within that community.  A sense of knowing that while we live within one house, we all have our own mansion.
  • " My Dad screwed Australia. My heart soiled in saving face,  My cherished home filled with hate and Pascoe's foolish dreaming. 

    The high divides and voter polls that might see all the seaming

    of a stitched up quilt of dreadful guilt for Daddy's leftie leanings.

     Through fire, famine, flood, pandemics, it's going going gone.

  • My Daddy has stuffed this nation

    and it is our nation's sad swan song  

    that he has left us so 

    a Nation buggered up and  . 

    No where to bloody go 

    Daddy is a dipstick 

    He has let us down. 

    It's a shame that Daddy is

    the world's most stupid clown. 

    He is worse that Biden. Biden is not well. 

    Scotty is a dickhead and he should go to hell. 

    Biden is a  braindead  fool and we all truly know 

    Scotty is a Chinese plant 

    He is Australia's foe.

  • For myself. I think that I will stick with God. He tends to be a bit more reliable than politicians.  

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