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I have been thinking about this a lot lately. 2 years ago, I trusted " them. " Today? 

No. In fact, I keep asking myself:

What if the coronavirus had spread, but had never been diagnosed or detected? Would life have been any different if the global media and politicians hadn't told us to be scared? 

How many people would be living in fear and lining up to risk their livelihoods and their health had it not been for the media and the bureaucrats, politicians and medical " experts " telling us to be terrified? 

2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into a tyrannical dystopian nightmare from which there appears little escape. 

I started to wonder whether perhaps we can refer to our past in order to make sense of our present and future?

Back when President Warren G Harding died on 3rd August, 1923, no one attributed his death to anything other than a cerebral hemorrhage and cardiac arrest.  Today, I wonder if it would be put down to Covid?

Was there anything sinister about Hardings death? Who knows. Life expectancy was relatively low in the 1920s.

The president, Warren G Harding had been inaugurated on 4th March 1921. 

Warren G Harding was a popular president - he won in a landslide with a promise of " Return to Normalcy. " 

A few days after his election, the President-elect made it clear to those around him, including reporters, that he desired a simple, low-cost inauguration.  As he himself put it:

 “If I could have my own way about it, I would walk to the Capitol on March 4, take the oath of office, speak my little piece, and then ride back to the White House on a street car.”

To the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce. he had said:

“Surely we are going to be called upon nationally, collectively and individually to renounce extravagances and learn the old and the new lessons of thrift and of providence.  It will add to our power and emphasize our stability if we become a simple living nation once more.  It will add to the sum total of our happiness.”

strangely similar to jfk

Calvin Coolidge later wrote this observation in his Autobiography about this Harding-Coolidge inauguration day:

“When the inauguration was over I realized that the same thing for which I had worked in Massachusetts had been accomplished in the nation.  The radicalism which had tinged our whole political and economic life from soon after 1900 to the World War period was passed.  There were still echoes of it, and some of its votaries remained, but its power was gone.  The country had little interest in mere destructive criticism.  It wanted the progress that alone comes from constructive policies.”

He was also known for forthright thinking - I wonder what Joe Biden would think of this with his gender and racial bias policy?


Yet his administration seemed somehow resentful of his thrift and return to normalcy. In fact, after his passing aged 58 years, scandals from within his administration emerged. His presidency was tainted by the actions of his trusted and closest. 

How familiar that sounds today.


At around midnight of the day Harding passed, Calvin Coolidge, Vice President, was inaugurated by his mother's ironing board in his family home in Vermont. The home had no electricity so it was performed by kerosene light. His formal inauguration was performed later.

Coolidge captured the popular sentiment of the American people in the 1920s when he said,

“The chief business of the American people is business.” The essence of the Coolidge presidency was its noninterference in and increasing the American business and industry.

 Coolidge was strongly opposed U.S. membership in the League of Nations, the early version of the United Nations.

I mention this because today, politicians have lost touch with normalcy, thrift, enterprise and non interference in people's lives. 


Which brings me back to the article headline: What if we had never been told about the virus? "

Have our governments become despots? Is this a fear campaign in order to create a pandemic caused by the vaccine?

So many questions.  

Would people today attribute Warren G Harding's death to Covid? Would people today attribute 98 year old Aunty Molly's passing to Covid?

Life expectancy was relatively low in the 1920s.

There were few older folk and fewer aged care homes back then. Death from the flu, a stroke or a heart attack were considered par for the course and part of life.

Of course it is also fair to say that world travel was less prevalent back then. In fact the Spanish Flu Epidemic was related to the soldiers returning home from the Great War.

We have much photographic evidence of the horror that this influenza outbreak caused to an already worn down population, ravaged by years of food rationing and hardship. Not the healthy indulged world that we currently occupy.

Yet the homeless on the streets of cities around the world have not been unduly impacted. The streets are not littered with corpses. In fact they seem amazingly resilient. 

When the polio epidemic hit in the 1940's people knew that something was terribly wrong. 


When thalidomide started impacting on our babies it was obvious that something dreadful was amiss.


Yet, apart from a frenzied media, governments and global expert fear campaigns, many of us would think that it had been a bad flu season.

Perhaps it is time to get back to government that encourages free enterprise and business to flourish. Stop crippling people's ability to think for themselves and take responsibility for their own actions, lives and families.

What if the government and the media just shut up and let us start living our lives again?






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