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Is Australia ripe for the plucking?

Located down the bottom of the world, geographically isolated and with a small population, are we the perfect place for a takeover experiment?
A weak and spineless federal government; weak and leftist CCP supporting state governments and a population that is mainly contained in cities, are we sitting ducks on a pond and a perfect spot to conquer - without firing a single shot?

There are few, if any, other countries in the world that are capable of self-sufficiency.
We have vast stores of natural resources.
Lithium - used in the production of solar panels and batteries.
Uranium - used in the production of nuclear power.
Coal and gas - used to generate electricity.
Iron Ore - used to produce steel.
We could be the richest Nation on earth.
There are vast agricultural lands, timber producing forests and we have some of the best oceans and seas yielding seafood beyond our needs.
We are limited by our ability to irrigate so much of our inland and that is done by not allowing such things as dams and The Bradfield Scheme.

Our inland regions produce cattle and sheep, wool, beef, wheat, cotton and citrus. We produce so much.  Yes, it can get mightily hot in the inland, but with sufficient electricity to fuel air conditioning at an affordable price, we could start to consider opening up the massive inland that is so much of Australia.
Only water and affordable electricity prevent such a thing.
The soil of the Channel country is some of the best in the land.
Successive governments keep green tape in place and lock up grazing land in National Parks that fall into decay. It is almost as though they are forcing people into the cities, just like the original Agenda 21 proposed.
The so called pandemic has imprisoned our bodies and our rights.

If we see our population die off in the coming years, we will need to import people to replace our depleted stock.
Enter China.
I have long held that the Chinese have had their eye on the prize for decades.
Most of us alive today are seeing the last of the Australia that we have known and come to love. If something is not done to stop this slaughter by mandated vaccine and step up and say " NO! " it will be wiped from the history books and re written by the Chinese as a chapter from the likes of Bruce Pascoe and his " Dark Emu " where it will be told that Caucasian people once walked the land, having wiped out the indigenous people and they died from a particularly virulent crocodile flu and that President Xi saved them by slaying all the crocodiles.
Crocodile soup on sale in Beijing . get it while it lasts.
We are now exposed to invasion by stealth.  Our governments have abandoned us. The USA is run by an impotent idiot suffering from dementia and we are placing all our hopes on some submarines in a few decades time and an order of tanks? TANKS?
The whole idea of Australia spending billions on submarines is ridiculous.

As the election looms on our calendar I wonder if we realise that we are not Australians about to vote for our rights but for very our lives?
Australia is ripe for the plucking and we have been right royally plucked by our politicians.



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