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OK, I know you will all think that I am bonkers. But this is what happened.

My Mum, Redhead, is in a wealth of pain right now. Her leg has decided to be a literal pain in the arse and she is not a happy camper. But she got a message from beyond the sea. From my Dad.  And he has told her that he cares.

 To take it back to the beginning, when Redhead met her sailor there was no more sailing.She found her home port. And he was a good port of call.


Redhead is historically a very stoic and upright champion of the mantra of " keep calm and carry on. "

Throughout my life, she has always been a very good rock on which to anchor and a great port in a storm.

Given that she spent over 6 decades married to a naval veteran, it seems appropriate to use the analogy and metaphor of the sea when describing my relationship with my Mum.

She has been my rock, my anchor and she has also stirred up some stormy seas. She has also been the Captain of many a ship over the years and averted a few collisions on rocky outcrops that were best avoided.


Sometimes, I have ignored her sage advice and navigated my way into dangerous harbours and found myself bruised and battered on the shores of despair.

Yes, she has told me that I was a silly bugger. But never once did she leave me on the shore, wounded and bereft of help.

Mum has always picked me up and carried me to shelter and taken me in her able arms and embrace of love and said " well, that is over. Let's sort this out. "

She supported me through Cancer, a marriage break up and a few times when all I could see was wood and the trees had disappeared.

Mum always stood there, ready to pick up the pieces and call out " Cooee " in the Australian vernacular. In other words, " I am here if you need me. "

 And sometimes, Dad speaks to me and Mum and tells us that he is here.


So, it will seem a bit weird that I was in the bathroom and contemplating life, the universe and everything , when, all of a sudden., I heard " cooee. "

Not literally, of course. Just in my head. I wondered " where have I heard that before? " and I realised it was from a song my father used to sing " Out of the Bluegums. "

Obviously I went straight to the computer, as one does, and I tried to find any mention of cooee.

And I did.

It was in the lyrics of a recording my parents did, many years ago, and I found the song that was calling to me and to you guys.

Mums are great. They love us.

But Dads are also great. They love us.

Parenthood is probably the most important role we have in our lives.



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