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That new article about the rugged men made me think of the  brave and real men that saved our community  of Peregian , Peregian Springs and Marcus Beach  .   That marvelous effort was not done by whimps  and chaps who have no get up and go , that effort was done and is done by good honest caring men .    The Fire Fighters put out a yearly Calendar  which helps fund their courageous   endeavours .   Now there is a set of rugged men ,  men who we can all be proud of.

We are all watching the World Rugby games at the moment , another group of  strong and fit men , we just have to make sure our young boys at school now end up following in the footsteps of these examples.    
On Saturday mornings when you drive around your neighbourhoods what do you see, football grounds filled with young lads in their footy gear having a wonderful morning .   What better way to start the weekend.     Others are enjoying tennis lessons  ,  playing in musical bands ,  not just sitting around with the ipad  .   Everything has it's place,  that is what makes a well rounded chap, our future Rugged Men .
Nothing like a sport or different sports to  give the grounding for the future.   No gluing themselves to the road to disrupt traffic,  dodging off school to attend rallies  that are so time wasting and stupid.   No ambition, no direction , how can they end up well rounded individuals  when their parents and their teachers allow such mindless behavior.   I am sure most teachers are horrified  at what  their pupils can do and get away with in today's  society.   But they have restraints put upon them  by some authority  that think they know better.
I have to say , if you haven't seen the Calendars  the Fire Fighters put out,  please make it your business to check it out , make your donation  and have a look at the handsome Rugged guys that are doing their bit to help us in time of need.    Make sure you give your kids , your grandkids the encouragement needed to enjoy life and join all sorts of different sports , that is what makes strong fit  men for the future.   We need them  and we will  love them .


  If only they become Rugged Men, not Soy Boys. 
 The life savers on our beaches , there every school holidays and weekends ,  what a good job they do , another example of strong fit chaps.   Our Service men who are there to protect us in adverse times. We should be  showing these types of men on our TV,   not the ones  disrupting traffic on  our streets.   Get some  positive  photos of Rugged men , doing  excitng things and show the kids of today what can be achieved   .  
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