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A small, isolated nation at the bottom of the world. A Nation that prides itself on multicultural acceptance.
What better place to do an experiment… to see how long it would take to overthrow a Nation. Well, with the right so called leader in place, it took 4 MONTHS.

Internet is censored; guns being removed; people being put in prison for using social media; 4 MONTHS.

It certainly makes you wonder... in four short months an entire country has been overthrown. 

Not bad when you think about it. Miss Cindy, the Socialist, has made her keepers proud. But it gets worse.






You must be wondering why I keep rabbiting on about this liitle Nation at the bottom of the world. The bolthole chosen by so many rich and famous to buy their wee slice of paradise, their place far away from the madding crowd.

Well, it is because it is a small inconsequential Nation at the bottom of the world. It is where I was born and where I still call home, despite living overseas for many decades.It is my home and my place of nosatalgia, my go to place when I feel down.

New Zealand, to those of you who have not visited, is a place of comfort. It is the place that you eat a roast lamb dinner that is not raw.. it is slow cooked with lashings of roast spuds, home made mint sauce and loads of things like roast pumpkin, gravy and cabbage. Maybe some carrot and swede mashed together... no cumin, no chilli, no exotic herbs or spices. Just old fashioned Kiwi Kai. ( Kai is food in Maori for those who do not know.) 

My homeland used to be a place of comfort and joy. I did not live there, but, by God, I support the All Blacks and cheer them on with great gusto. No matter where I live, I am a Kiwi. 

So why is it that I am now feeling embarrassed and ashamed? That the Prime Minister of New Zealand is spreading thoughts of socialism and what could be the potential downfall of the ANZAC spirit? That this person is flying all around the world in the name of New Zealand and suggesting that she represents New Zealanders?

Bottom line, it took 4 months to change New Zealand. 

 It is taking a tad longer to change Australia but it IS happening.

Jacinda Ardern is a Socialist. Unless the National Party in New Zealand get a strong leader, we are buggered.

Australia has a Conservative Prime Minister. But unless he develops a backbone, Australia will be no better than New Zealand.

Our two countries look inconsequential. But we are strategically very important.

In my opinion, the fight for the control of New Zealand is vital for Conservative voices. But, like Australia, legislation is shutting down any opportunity to speak out.

If New Zealand and Australia fall to PC, believe it or not, we will fall to China.

And that is why Trump needs our support,. 

I suspect that ScoMo sees it. But Jacinda Ardern from New Zealand? Nope. 

She is on her broomstick heading off to who knows where and telling the world that she is the best thing since sliced bread. 

Ms Ardern is a very dangerous woman. 

She will destroy New Zealand. Ony Winston Peters can save New Zealand. He destroyed New Zealand. Will he save New Zealand?

I don't think so.

He is too focussed on power and money. 

Winston Peters is the reason that we are in our current situation. If you want to get angry, get angry with him. 

Without Winston Peters, Jacinda Ardern would not be in charge of New Zealand.








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