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This last week has been a very unique time in our nation's history. So many of us have watched in disbelief as elements of the media have taken a defamation case verdict to launch waves of attack against Ben Roberts-Smith - without any criminal charges being laid, let alone conviction recorded.

I have spoken about this publicly, stemming from my first actions in the media now nearly three years ago - calling for these most serious allegations of war crimes, or any incidents on military operations, to be afforded the due process our service personnel respect. Due process that should only ever see such serious allegations tried to the criminal standards of truth beyond reasonable doubt, and in a manner that protects the identities of our service personnel and their families - given the real possibility of reprisals and dangers to them and their families for simply being identified as serving in Afghanistan at a time when it is now under Taliban control.

Here are some of my thoughts and interviews conducted this last week addressing just some of the facts and issues surrounding this current situation:

Before the verdict:


The Today Show

Sky News

I was particularly disgusted by the attitude of the Sky News reporter and his apparent lack of understanding or care for the unique circumstances, let alone the impact of such sensationalisation. This was in stark contrast to the team on the Today Show who provided a well balanced and informative discussion.Can I please take this opportunity to thank all of our Veterans, past, present and emerging, for your service - and to ask everyone reading this email to make the effort to do the same today. There are many in the Veteran community who have been impacted by this, by the negativity and pile on that has occurred with agenda driven attacks coming at our ADF and Veterans in general. Now is the time we need to do what we can individually to ensure that collectively we are connected, supported and strengthened during these trying times.

I will finish this segment by expressing how deeply disappointed I have been at the lack of voice or action from those with senior entitlements within our Veteran Organisations, Defence Force and Government. Those who too often have expressed their hesitation to speak out against any media or Government action for reasons of self-preservation or jeopardising their professional position or profits.

My Nomination for RSL QLD Deputy President After much deliberation and encouragement from members of the Veteran community and RSL, I have nominated for the position of Deputy President & Deputy Chair of the QLD RSL. This is a voluntary position, and my reasoning for nomination comes from the desire to strengthen my ability, and that of the RSL, to get back to its origins and take the required action to support our Veterans and their families when it is needed, without fear or favour.I am one of five nominations for this position, with the vote to take place at the RSL QLD AGM at the end of June. Prior to then, all Sub-Branches across QLD are conducting their own internal meetings to decide their respective vote, and then the respective Sub-Branch President or representative will attend the AGM at the end of this month to forward this on.

This process is a grass roots reflection of the RSL membership in QLD. Can I please call on your support to engage with your local RSL Sub-Branch, participate in the voting, or communicate with those members that you know in support of my nomination if you believe that I am the right person for the job.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your action. Yours in Service,





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