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My Uncle was one of the first Jet boat captains in the world. I grew up around jetboats and my brothers went hunting up the shallow and rocky rivers where no other boat could go.

The Hamilton Jet Boat, an incredible bit of engineering kit, has transformed water travel and recreational boating. Known for its unique jet propulsion system, the Hamilton Jet Boat enabled voyages and explorations that were once deemed impossible.

The Hamilton Jet Boat traces its origins back to the 1950s in New Zealand, where Sir William Hamilton, an ingenious engineer and inventor, sought a solution to navigate the shallow and fast-flowing rivers of the South Island. Traditional propeller-driven boats faced limitations in such environments, often getting damaged or failing to provide adequate thrust.

Hamilton's breakthrough came with the development of the waterjet propulsion system. This system draws water from beneath the boat, accelerates it through an impeller, and expels it at high speed through a nozzle at the stern. This propulsion method allowed boats to operate in shallow waters and offered superior maneuverability.

In 1954, Hamilton launched the first successful jet boat, the "Jet 32," marking the beginning of a new era in boating. The Jet 32 demonstrated remarkable capabilities, such as the ability to navigate through rapids and over sandbars, making it a perfect fit for many of the world's most challenging rivers.


Sir William Hamilton, besides inventing the Hamilton Jet Boat, contributed to various engineering and agricultural innovations. 

He developed a plough specifically designed for the challenging terrain of New Zealand's hill country. This innovation helped improve farming efficiency and land use in rugged areas. He improved hydraulic ram pumps, which are devices used to pump water using the energy of flowing water. These pumps became essential for irrigation and water supply in remote areas.  Hamilton experimented with early forms of gyrocopters (a type of rotorcraft that uses an unpowered rotor to develop lift). Although these experiments did not lead to commercial success, they showcased his interest and ingenuity in aviation technology.  He designed and manufactured grader blades for road construction, which were used to level and smooth roads. These blades were essential for infrastructure development in New Zealand.

There were his advanced flood irrigation systems that helped optimise water distribution for agricultural purposes, improving crop yields and water management. Hamilton contributed to the design and construction of small-scale hydroelectric power schemes, which provided renewable energy to rural and remote areas in his home country. 


 By the 1960's the Hamilton Jet was ready to start showcasing its worth. 

One of the most notable early voyages was the exploration of New Zealand's Clutha River. The river's rugged and variable conditions posed a formidable challenge, but Hamilton Jet Boats proved their mettle by navigating the treacherous waters with ease. This expedition showcased the jet boat's ability to access remote and previously unreachable areas. As a child, I saw first hand the incredible agility of the jetboat, on board my Uncle's boat when we screamed and yelled and cheered as he sat at the helm smiling and knowing that he was one of the first to master the ability to captain this " new kid on the block. "  Hell, it was an exciting time. 



We went water skiing, went on pleasure trips and my uncle would stand smugly, smiling, enjoying the theatre and the show that he was performing for us.  For it was showmanship, all those years ago, and it still is today. 

River captains still enjoy the fact that they can thrill and frighten and draw applause for their ability to terrify the living daylights out of us. Redhead and I have done the Wanaka trip and the Queenstown Jet and I can tell you, there is nothing like it. 

The Jet Boat has travelled on some amazing waterways. In fact. the Colorado River Expedition (1960): Hamilton's invention caught international attention when a jet boat successfully traversed the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. This daring journey demonstrated the jet boat's capabilities on the world stage, proving its strength and maneuverability in one of the most challenging river environments.And Redhead has been there and done that. 


 I can tell you right now that there is no way on this earth I would have been on that boat in that video. uncle or not. 

The Hamilton Jet also served in war. The Mekong River Mission (1970s ) they  were used in humanitarian missions to deliver aid along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia. The boats' ability to navigate shallow and debris-filled waters made them invaluable for reaching isolated communities and providing much-needed assistance.

Of course, these days, the Jet boat is the thing that tourists flock to in order to get a thrill: a few minutes of an adrenalin rush and we pay to be terrified and get out at the end of the trip and laugh and say " That was one hell of a ride! " 

The Captain, like my Uncle, seeks to give us our money's worth. We are frightened, terrified and awe struck at the Captain's ability to navigate dangerous waters and come out at the other end where we are grateful for his knowledge and skill. 

Of course, like my Uncle, the Captain knows that we are in safe hands and he is just delivering us " the show. " 

We were never in danger. We laugh, we smile, we clap our hands at the end of the journey and he smiles indulgently and accepts our praise. 

I want to leave you with this: Would you get in a jet boat with Biden  or Kamala? 

It seems to me that the Captain is not behind the wheel and the world is heading for the rocks. 

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