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When you think about it, it is almost as if our governments want to piss us off. They are doing absolutely everything they can to make the masses so angry that we will rise up and say " No. No more. " 

" How about we start with stuffing the country up by bringing in foreigners from different countries? " 

" Let's really make it interesting and make sure that they have absolutely nothing in common with the people who live in the country. the most important thing is that they are as different as possible to the citizens.  Different ethnicity, different culture, different religion.  Anything goes as long as it is the opposite to the current population. " 

Of course, just to really make it worse,  make sure that they are fighting aged, strong blokes. Obviously, the ones who are married  would not be suited at all and definitely not ones with families. They might actually assimilate and that would be bad. 


When the local population get cranky, ensure that the media takes the side of the poor disenfranchised refugee " fleeing war and seeking a better life. The poor young chaps are victims of racial hatred, religious persecution and intolerant racists. " 

Make sure that the locals get really angry and then get the media to call them " far right " and " racist" and bigots. 

Any time the locals get together and decide to have a rally or protest, make sure that they are split up and punished. It must not be possible for them to gather together and gain strength. If possible, get the new arrivals to provoke the locals and then arrest the locals and apologise to the migrants for the intolerance of the residents.  Plaster this all over the media and increase the perception of victimhood for the migrants and disgust at the behaviour of the people who are so violent and unkind to the poor victims of war and injustice. 

Increase the media coverage and have the government announce that it has no alternative but to introduce new laws to come down hard on hate speech, racism and islamophobia, xenophobia and any other phobias that are gaining traction on social media. 


That should do it. 

By now, the local population will be well and truly cranky. So ramp it up a notch. Throw in some left wing green policies to save the planet. Call it global warming. Then turn up the temperature and call it global boiling. If it gets cold, simply change it to " Climate Change " and start closing down crucial infrastructure like the electricity grid and replace it with expensive unreliable green rubbish that will send the citizen taxpayers broke but make the " big boys in town "very happy indeed when they cash their subsidy cheques.

How are we doing so far? 

How about we start giving money away to other countries? That could be fun. In fact, send bucket loads of money to countries that actively hate our existing society, culture and way of life. 

If and certainly when people get shitty about this, throw in a few more laws to make sure they know who is boss. If need be, stage a shooting or two, more if needed and then convince the people to hand in their guns and right to defend themselves. 

Next, attack the farmers, under the guise of saving the planet. Make up any excuse. I don't know... farting cows, we need the land for solar farms, wind turbines, that sort of thing. 


Oh, and stop oil production. Make the country dependent on imports of everything.  By now, the cracks should be appearing in the masses.  Time to crank up the number of people arriving. Oh, and import a virus that may or may not be fatal. 

A perfect excuse to bring in social change. Make the population stay away from each other. Close Churches, schools and parks... anywhere people can gather. Force them to have a vaccine against their will. Introduce the idea of a digital identity and a cashless society because cash carries the virus. 


Of course,  the vaccine is the virus. It does its job very nicely. This creates a new disease called  " dying suddenly " and experts will be infected with a mutant strain called" baffled. "  


By now, the final gameplay is about to start. 

Cash? Gone? Social interaction and habits? Destroyed. Media? Controlled. 

By now, there will be energy crises on the horizon and prices of food, electricity and fuel will be at frightening levels. The migrant population is so large that countries are being overwhelmed. Housing is impossibly expensive and hard to find. People are sleeping in parks while the migrants are tucked up in beds and receiving food and if they step out of line and become naughty boys, then, hell, forgive them for the 200th time and charge another citizen for complaining.... racist bastard, after all. 

In the meantime, introduce the idea that men are women and children are sexual beings. Bring deviancy into the mix.  Destroy the greatest sporting event in the world by introducing a new sport: Domestic Violence.  There are a few who could win gold medals in that event. 


Men winning beauty pageants, citizens being looked up for objecting, digital ID laws that can cut off a person's right to have money or have a bank account. 

You beauty. 

By now, people will be voting for anyone who promises to deliver normality. But by then, people will have forgotten what normality is. 

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And yes, it was actually a plan. 

The Cloward-Piven Strategy was first introduced in a 1966 article titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty," published in The Nation magazine. 




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