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Graeme who owns the Saw Mill at Corryong - email I received

Never in my lifetime have I ever seen a bushfire become so political, with so much interference from city-based experts! 

Australia is known for its bushfires, cyclones, droughts and flooding rains so what has changed this time?
I believe we now have a new breed of people in this country that NEED TO BLAME somebody for every natural event that occurs and they have infiltrated our communities with their ideology!

The majority in this country are the “Quiet Australians” who have seen it all happen before and know we will see it all happen again.

Our voice wasn’t being heard! We knew that the fuel load was too high, we knew that policy had changed allowing fuel reduction burns and we knew that protesting by minority groups was influencing decision making!

Just back on June 20, 2019 I raised these issues in a Regional Forests Agreement meeting in Corryong with representatives from DELWP, Federal, State and local governments regarding the fuel load in National Parks, the blackberries and noxious weeds in State forests and Parks, the lack of maintenance of fire tracks, the lack of water storages in these areas and outlined that we had a ticking time bomb right under our noses!

Climate Change didn’t light the fires in NSW and Victoria, lightning and arsonists did!! The fuel load was there and it was tinder dry from the drought.


But now the SWAMP is rising and along with social media and mainstream media they are driving a tsunami of hate, of blame, of rebellion like we’ve never seen before!

Everything that goes wrong has to be someone else’s fault!!

They CRY Climate Change but then board an aeroplane to go overseas!  The scientists are some of the worst hypocrites in this area! Fly to this climate conference and then to the next!

Children are being indoctrinated in schools before they can even read and write, about politics, climate change, gender equality, sex and religion at such a young age and well before they can make their own judgments on any of these matters.  This indoctrination then spreads like a virus and infects those who we thought were immune, until it becomes a plague of rebellion and uprising against those who are the quiet Australians.

I might be old fashioned, but the Australia I knew as a kid was far better!


We didn’t care where the power came from, as long as the toaster or the lights worked!
We didn’t care if it was a drought as we knew every day was one closer to it raining!
I battled the 1st of February 1969 bushfires in 45c heat as a 15 year old, I bent all the linkage arms on the tractor ploughing fire breaks, experienced the extreme heat of the fire, the lack of oxygen in my lungs, being too scared to sleep inside the house at 2am!

I saw the devastating loss of property, and the burying of dead stock.

We didn’t have P2 masks or were told every 5 minutes of the what the air quality was!! We wet a handkerchief and  put it across our nose and mouth and tied a knot in the back and got on with it!!

Then the chaos came again a few weeks later when torrential rains came and caused massive erosion and polluted our water, and 3 months later on the 5th of May we had cows dying of bloat as the grass was so prolific!


This is the country we live in and know as Australia, NO politician can change it, NO Climate Change policy will either!
Humans caused this atrocity by their ignorance of nature and the history we have on record that could be used to prevent this occurring this bad ever again!

Sorry about the rant but I’m not happy with the world right now!

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