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What have I just read? According to The Daily Mail " Eight ships including seven cruise-liners carrying thousands of passengers will arrive in Sydney over the next seven days amid fears they will contain hundreds of coronavirus patients....

On 19 March around 2,000 travellers were allowed to disembark the Ruby Princess in Sydney without being tested. 

Since then, at least 66 of them have tested positive for coronavirus. "

 Well, that make as much sense as a rat up a drain pipe when you have supposedly shut the bloody toilet down?  

Come on people, we are being instructed, advised, warned and guided to stay at home, not mingle and to be very careful with personal hygiene. But what the hell is happening here? Cruise Ships? Come on.  

We are seeing thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands put out of work while our retail sector, cinemas, gyms, pubs, clubs churches and schools are being stuffed about, closed down and destroyed - in order to save our country. All to ensure that this vile Chinese Virus is contained - and, yes, we are prepared to do everythin it takes. We are.

But now, in the middle of a crisis that we have never encountered in our lifetimes, we are getting the old " Oh, By the Way."

Yes, the Oh by the way, we are still letting in people who could be infected with the Wuflu, Coffin Cough, Kungflu, call it what you like - but that's OK.

This pisses me off.

But, apparently, I shouldn't be. As long as we all hunker down, everyone else can carry on.

According to the article, Passengers have been urged to go into self-isolation for 14 days after authorities failed to test them for coronavirus when disembarking.

Whew. Thank goodness for that .

Tell me, where are they going to self isolate?  How are they getting there? Who will clean their self isolation spaces when they leave? Who is checking that they do, in fact, self isolate?

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I live in a holiday complex on the Sunny Coast in Queensland. Last night, a bus load of young people who spoke German and French arrived and partied in the pool.  How do I know if they were not a group of self isolated backpacking party punters heading North or South and leaving a trail of Coffin Cough behind them? What about the poor bloody cleaners who have to go in and scrub their toilets, strip their beds and then go home to hug their kiddies?

No, this is not right.

If you shut down your People, your Citizens, for heavens sake shut down the new arrivals and keep it fair.

If you, Mr Morrison, Ms Pluckaduck, and all you other Premiers and Leaders use selective isolation, you will end up isolating yourselves from your voters... YOUR People.

Do not treat us as prisoners and allow the very people who are making us prisoners roam free.

It, Mr Morrison , is un Australian.


After all, many Ozzies came here because they were convicts, convicted of stealing bread. Yet you allow new arrivals to steal our toilet paper, baby formula and ship it overseas; people from other Nations to get off a cruise ship and promise to be very good and spread potential deadly bugs and we do what? Sit at home, unemployed and are powerless to do a bloody thing.

I am not for one moment suggesting that Albo would do any better. In fact it would be worse. Much worse. 

But mate, for crying out loud, stop the boats is back on the agenda and this time is just as serious as the last time. If not worse. 

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