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My sister-in-law sent  me this delightful   poem .      If I could write a   poem that has that lovely rhythm , it is exactly what I would say.     It has to have been written by an Oldie , the bit about the booze is a winner and let's hope we can all get out the gate without too much of a struggle when all this is over.
As a little observation I have to say at our local beach   the children that are enjoying the water and the building of sand castles  with their young families is a joy to see.    Everyone keeping a  distance between the groups, being very responsible and having fun.  
At times like this we need to have a laugh and remember that we will get through this. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.   I don't know who wrote it but whoever you are, thank you. 

I'm normally a social girl
I love to meet my mates
But lately with the virus here

We can't go out the gates.

You see, we are the 'oldies' now
We need to stay inside
If they haven't seen us for a while
They'll think we've upped and died.

They'll never know the things we did
Before we got this old
There wasn't any Facebook
So not everything was told.

We may seem sweet old ladies
Who would never be uncouth
But we grew up in the 50s -
If you only knew the truth!

There was sex and drugs and rock 'n roll
The pill and miniskirts
We smoked, we drank, we partied
And were quite outrageous flirts.

Then we settled down, got married
And turned into someone's mum,
Somebody's wife, then nana,
Who on earth did we become?

We didn't mind the change of pace
Because our lives were full
But to bury us before we're dead
Is like red rag to a bull!

So here you find me stuck inside
For 4 weeks, maybe more
I finally found myself again
Then I had to close the door!

It didn't really bother me
I'd while away the hour
I'd bake for all the family
But I've got no bloody flour!

Now Netflix is just wonderful
I like a gutsy thriller
I'm swooning over Idris
Or some random sexy killer.

At least I've got a stash of booze
For when I'm being idle
There's wine and whiskey, even gin
If I'm feeling suicidal!

So let's all drink to lock down
To recovery and health
And hope this bloody virus
Doesn't decimate our wealth.

We'll all get through the crisis
And be back to join our mates
Just hoping I'm not far too wide
To fit through the flaming gates!
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