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Just over 50 years ago a TV program held my interest like no other.    “Why is it so?”  

His own science-based TV series which was filmed at the University of Sydney where he taught, was broadcast from 1963 to 1986 and became an instant hit known for its "cool experiments, interesting science, and fantastic hair" … the presenter was Professor Julius Sumner Miller, who has been a huge positive influence in the lives of many young people.

As well as the cool experiments, some of his sayings were, and still are, excellent advice …

“ Whatever work you undertake to do in your lifetime, it is very important that first you have a passion for it - you know, get excited about it - and second, that you have fun with it. That's important. Otherwise, you see, your work becomes nothing but an idle chore. Then, you hate the life you live.”

Having a weakness for chocolate, this also was a significant plus …  During the 1980s, Miller appeared in a famous series of Australian television commercials for Cadbury chocolate, using his stock phrase "Why is it so?", demonstrating a simple scientific principle, and describing how each block of chocolate "embraces substantial nourishment and enjoyment," and contained "a glass and a half of full-cream dairy milk." The ads were sufficiently popular to be played for some years after his death.


Ever since those days I have found myself, when faced with a new and often puzzling situation, seeking an answer to that simple question, why is it so?

It may be an unusual statement or strange action for which there seems no sensible reason, and finding the answer often exposes unexpected educational results. Decisions made by governments in an attempt to deal with the Covid19 debacle were a case in point … some handled it well and achieved good results, others not so.


Pretty well everyone is fed up with what is going on in the world and asking " Why is it So? "



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The days of wearing of masks, condemned in many quarters by experts who said they were not only useless but also detrimental to health, yet their use was mandated by other experts and significant financial penalties imposed for non-compliance … the Prime Minister assured us that the vaccines were NOT mandatory, and legal advice was that it was illegal for an employer to make vaccination a requirement for continuation of employment, but people not wishing to receive the injection were resigning in droves because of this threat, and the loss of valuable trained staff caused many problems.

 Yet so many therapies existed. It is a shame we cannot accept the simple therapies. 


I know that saying that the economy destroying kerfuffle, over an illness that in over 95% of cases is a comparatively minor event, was completely unnecessary, and was kept happily rolling along due to the efforts of a Main Stream Media.

Who could forget the Herald Sun with itsa breathless headline "AM Edition:

Victoria smashes daily record: 51,356 Covid cases "...

Enough to scare the tripe out of the general public and ensure that they staye indoors? Any sign of a follow up paragraph telling us how many recovered? Or what alternative inexpensive, good result guaranteed, hugely successful treatment used overseas could be offered to these people? Oh, you mean the treatment banned by our "experts"? Yes that is a bit of a problem.

Being accused of over simplification is inevitable, but ignoring the incontrovertible success of methods used overseas, and banning HCQ and Ivermectin would appear to be a criminal act.

We are continually assured that the vaccines are effective, and safe. Neither appears true, as they do not prevent being infected or of passing it on, and increasing numbers of adverse effect reports continue to be documented. The number of long term adverse reports will not be known for months or even years, and are expected to be significant.

Unbelievable havoc has been wrought on the economy of many countries, businesses have been smashed by lockdowns, individual personal finances have been destroyed, but many sectors have been exempted from the damage, and vaccine manufacturers and those administering them have been protected from any legal action.

The public were confused and very angry at the way things were handled.

We want to know why was it so? 




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