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What a morning I have just had. A long awaited family get together with one of my daughters and her family. I haven't seen them for about 18 months and I didn't realise what a difference that time would make. My two grand daughters have been abducted by aliens and have turned into the spawn of the devil.

The gathering was held at Redhead's home, which many of my long term readers will know is close to one of the bushfires that swept through our country in the latter part of 2019 and early 2020. It was the first time that they have visited since that dreadful event and it went from eagerly anticipated to a train wreck in about 1 hour. 

Let me explain.

One and a half years ago, I met with a quiet book loving polite and pretty young 13 year old girl ; a feisty little 11 year old who loved playing sports and running at high speed and generally bursting with the love of life. My grandson, while sporting long hair, was quiet  ; my daughter was laughing and chatty, eager to embrace the chance to meet with her Grandma ( Redhead ) and her Mum - yours truly.

The 16 year old lad is still much the same - he had brought his male cousin with him for moral support and my son in law had " cried off " the visit and stayed behind to have some peace and quiet. My daughter was still her normal upbeat and pleasant self.

But my two grand daughters have turned in to leftie green Trump hating marxists and I could not be more ashamed, horrified and appalled. 

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 Not because of their Politics, but the way that they shrieked, waved their arms, spouted activist catch phrases and sneered and laughed when they said something provocative and insulting. It was as though they were determined to have an argument.

To be fair, the younger lass , now 12, was more restrained in her statements but it was very much the case that she was the head of the cheer leading squad for her 14 year old sister.

The two boys sat back, carefully in the background while these two young brats were let loose to harangue and ridicule their 88 year old Great Grandmother and me, their 65 year old grandmother.

What on earth have they done to the young girls today? What poison have they put in to their minds? 

It is not as if they were unaware that Redhead and I are Trump supporters, anti daughter slaughter, late term abortion, anti communism and anti discrimination based on sex, colour or ethnic origin. Yet, here they were, the older girl in particular, saying that Trump trafficked young girls, was a pedophile and that only black lives matter because they have been abused by white people. 

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Then the fun began. The mantra of hatred began. 

Now, I love and enjoy a good debate, but a debate is where a well thought out, well argued point of view is put forward in defence of an opinion, and then the other party has a right to respond and offer the opposing point of view.

Not so with these two young aliens. Oh no. The responses were not spontaneous. They were catch phrases that sprung from their mouths, much the same way as the times table sprang from mine when I was a child. The 14 year old girl said that she was a lesbian. She said that Australia should burn and that she would " gladly light the first match. " 

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Well, that is what you do when you torch a Nation

 I asked her how she could say that when she knew that her own Great Grandmother came close to losing her home when a 14 year old green activist lit the fire that threatened the very house that she was currently sitting in. She said " if that is what it takes, that is what it takes. " 

She said so many things that I cannot say here, because this would end up being as long as War and Peace and, suffice to say, I was sitting back, watching this young woman and thinking ": what hope do we have? " In 18 months, this lovely, kind, gentle and decent young lady has turned into a stranger and one who I never wish to see again.

I left poor Redhead to deal with the waspish vipers that now occupied my grand daughters and I turned my attention to the two young 16 year old boys. We chatted about history and dating and the dangers of allowing Hong Kong to fall. The propsect of a future Tiananmen Square. We talked about how standing up to injustice is so vital. When I asked them " how you put up with those girls? " they quietly replied.

" We just try to stay out of it. " 

We talked about history repeating itself; malicious complaints by females against men who can no longer defend themselves against accusations of rape or assault; ( all the while with the 12 year old in the background, who had by now, decided to sabotage our rational and interesting conversation, started chanting " Treat women with respect! ) and I looked at these two young men and wondered 

" what the hell have we done? "

There were so many issues at play in this abortive family get together.

Firstly, the DISRESPECT that was shown toward their host, their Great Grandmother, in HER home. 

Secondly, their bullying and use of shock phraseology to silence her, me and anyone who DARED to disagree. 

Thirdly, their IGNORANCE.


My grand daughter was horrified that the Capitalists who think that they run Australia have dared to consider banning tik tok. I tried to explain that the app was gathering all of her personal information and that could surely be an invasion of her privacy but all she could say was

" Tik Tok is the voice of our generation! They are trying to silence our Voice! " 

Who do I blame, if I am going to play the blame game. Their mother and father? The education system? Social Media? Myself?

I fear that it is too late to even worry about who is to blame. What worries me is what the hell do we do about it?

This young woman is our future. 

All the while, my daughter said nothing, the husband stayed home and the two lads sat quietly in the background.

Redhead and I were polite but have decided that the 2 miscreants are no longer welcome.

After all, if they hate us so much, why should we welcome them into our homes?

Food for thought.

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