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I bought a new duster online  it is one of those ones they advertise on TV and I am very pleased with it   It gets rids of cobwebs and dust quite easily.   What a shame it doesn't work with politicians.

I have always been a great believer in the phrase of blowing the cobwebs away.   If things are not going well I take a walk and blow the cobwebs away to clear my head.   I think that the world needs to take a walk in the fresh air so that we can clear our heads and start thinking sensibly again.

It certainly was a windy day today.  rain overnight and overcast and showery all day , blowing a gale.    Rather coolish too.     Such a change from the lovely days we have been having here on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland. 

Now I wonder why the weather did such a dramatic change, could it be that  the  God up in heaven  decided that some people down here are being thoughtless and heartless?  
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I watched several different people last night on TV talking about the injustice of  preventing a dying Dad to  see his kids for the last time.   Fancy suggesting just one could be chosen.. think how the others left behind would feel .. No parent could make such a decision.  Fortunately from what I have heard a fund was  set up and has been overwhelmingly subscribed to , to  help this family out with regard to costs and quarantine etc.    Which again proves that the general mass of people are fed up with these heartless rules  which are at the whim  of our state governments.  
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School holidays are just around the corner,  Queensland this coming Friday the 18th, and then the rest of the States the following week.     How nice it would be if the kids were able to enjoy some sort of freedom to visit and enjoy what is left of the year .   But I suppose it will be more of the same,  borders closed , no travel  to see Grandparents or Uncles and Aunties who live  in a  warmer part of the country.   
I try and follow the news but I have to admit that  every time I  indulge in a catch up I have a terrible night's sleep , because nothing has changed , in fact things go from bad to worse.   
I believe that Queensland's Premier was in tears last night over some of the decisions she has made, were they crocodile tears  ???   Comrade Dan is close to being turfed out  , he has  been a disaster to the State of Victoria even though there are people who think he is marvellous.   That feeling is not  one which the majority  of Australians  share.    



Babies born in cars is the latest on the list of unfortunate happenings.  
One upon a time Maternity homes were in small towns,  Hospitals were small but they served outback areas.   If something major was needed then Flying Doctor   help was available.   But now all these smaller facilities have been removed and long trips to the nearest hospital is the order of the day.      We had a case several weeks ago when the Queensland Premier made a statement that Queensland hospitals were for Queenslanders and no border  restriction was to be lifted to accommodate an emergency.  Which then required a long trip to the nearest NSW hospital.  
Uncaring and inhuman.  
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Where is the compassion,  where is the welfare of the people coming first.     Lockdown  and separation  is  first and foremost and THEIR top priority .     No wonder you hear  influential people talking on TV so angry and  frustrated.   But for all their position in life they seem to be helpless.  
Like Bronwyn Bishop says all talk no action.
I like thousands of others wish we    could wave a magic wand and  put all this behind us, get back to normal everyday living,  enjoy what tomorrow brings instead of wondering when it is going to end.   So once again  I end this saga of complaint with let us  pray and hope that God will hear our  prayers and save the  day for us.
But we do need to lend him a hand.
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