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Journalist Alex Newman believes that this 2020 election fraud is the biggest in the history of the free world. Newman says, “This is on a whole other level. They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government. That is, by definition, treason. It is waging war against the United States. The fact that no charges are being filed and no investigations going on it tells you everything you need to know about AG Barr, the DOJ and the FBI. . . . There is a coup underway right now, a coup d’état. . . .Their goal is a complete overthrow of the United States of America.”

MSM is part of the problem., “Controlling the narrative is probably the most crucial element.  They just need to make enough people think this is reality, and they can almost get away with it.  We are now seeing a full blown effort on that front. 

 “This is on a whole other level.  They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government.  That is, by definition, treason.  It is waging war against the United States. 


Alex Newman also has his own website called

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