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Phar Lap was probably the greatest race horse in Australian history. A horse that led Australia through difficult times during the Depression. 

This horse, this amazing animal, united Australia in dark days and united Australians through hope and a bet that strength of character would triumph.

After all, Phar Lap loved to win. And, right now, we need a winner. 

People often refer to politicians as pigs at the trough. Our Politicians are not pigs. They are show ponies, trained to jump, trot or gallop, according to their trainer's demands.

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I have never been a fan of horse racing. The whole idea of weighing a horse down and then cheering on the opponents carrying no weight or lessor weight never seemed quite fair to me.  

I only ever attended one Melbourne Cup event and have only ever placed one bet on a horse. Its name was Battle Heights and I grabbed my winnings and have never bet again. 

The idea that a clear winner is loaded down with lead weights seems unfair to me.

Yet, what we are witnessing in America right now is a horse race where the favourite is so loaded with lead weights that it would have to have enormous strength and determination to carry on, let alone win.

Which brings me back to Phar Lap. This powerful and amazing animal had a heart that was so strong, so powerful and so unique that it could run and run. It had not only a heart, but a HEART. Phar Lap loved to win. The sheer power of that conviction and determination must have been something to behold.

During the Great Depression, Phar Lap was a symbol of the  spirit and soul of a Nation and millions flocked to hear about the race that Phar Lap would run.

Phar Lap ran for every digger, every Australian having a hard time; every down and out unemployed Aussie. One horse carried the burdern and the hopes of a Nation on its back and, as it ran, as it won, as it crossed the finish line, the People felt hope.

Phar Lap was no show pony.He was a champion. A Leader.

He ran every race expecting to win. And win that champion did. 

Until, one day, back in 1932, Phar Lap was allegedly poisoned. He died and, with his passing, a champion died. 

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Champions are champions because they are champions. 

President Trump is a Phar Lap. .He has a big heart and a grand detemination. 

The only way he can be killed is to poison him.

And aren't they doing that? 







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