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I have just started watching the Georgia Rally and I am not crying. It is hayfever. 

The crowd chants " We love you " and I am sitting here, in my home in Queensland Australia and calling out " I  love you! ". I had to close my front door so my neighbours don't call the men in their long white coats to come and take me away.

Someone in the chat room on the RSBN stream just wrote:

" Make George Orwell fiction again. " How true.

The man on the stage is President Trump and he is the ONLY person on the planet right now who can make that so.

What is at stake at this election is the control of the Senate and the control of the country. Trump says that Socialism is the beginning.  Communism is the goal. 

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" We need someone with courage and wisdom. "

Well, we have him and the Left are attempting to steal his right to exercise his courage and wisdom and replace him with a sniffy lunatic with hairy legs.

" 80 million votes and less than a 1000 people at a rally " says Trump. There are nearly 280,000 people from all around the world watching on my stream alone. It is electric. it is a moment in history.I am, along with people from all around the world, watching a Rally that will signal the salvation of America - or the death of America. 

This Rally is the turning point. Can Trump rally the troops, get them to hold the line? Can get the millions of his Patriot family to stand with him and with their country?

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Trump moves on to talk about the Military and its great importance. How he believes that the Military is probably of greater importance than the Supreme Court.

I get the impression that everyone in America who voted for Trump is prepared to hold the line and fight for him and for the preservation of their Nation. It is humbling to watch. People so united behind their leader that there is a devotion that is palpable. 

I did not see or hear a man who is facing defeat. 

There was not a whisper of fear or acceptance that he would lose. If anything, I believe that the man I saw today was a man who has prepared for this moment and is now ready to walk in to a battle for which he is  well prepared.


While I was watching, I suddenly remembered Ayn Ran's book " Atlas Shrugged " 

"If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater the effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders—what would you tell him to do?"

"I…don’t know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?"

"To shrug."

Well, I saw no shrug today in Trump. I saw no knees buckling. I saw no blood running down his chest. 

I did see a man trying to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he was standing tall, strong, brave and defiant.

In the same series of novels, there was a man named John Galt. 

In a post-apocalyptic America, the iron fist of the totalitarianism seeks to crush one mysterious man named John Galt, who has the power and influence to change everything..The final sentence in the third novel ended with " Who is John Galt? "

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What I saw today was thousands of John Galts. Thousands of people, hundreds of thousands, millions of people who have the power and influence to change everything.

All they need is Atlas not to shrug. And he sure as hell did not shrug today. 


In fact, President Trump may just need to call in his troops and help him carry the load. From what I witnessed, there are  more than enough to hold the line, help carry the load and present for duty. 













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