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In the middle of the insanity and uncertainty that has been 2020, we must not forget the things that matter from history. December 7th is a day to pause and reflect on those who fought and lost their lives so that we could voice our objections to the injustice that is going on at the moment. We enjoy freedom thanks to their sacrifice. The attack cost the lives of 2,334 servicemen and servicewomen and wounded another 1,143.

The attack at Pearl Harbor was both a blessing and a curse, depending upon which side of the pond you lived. For the Americans, it marked the beginning of a bloody war that resulted in so very many dead and wounded; so much misery and pain. For the British, Australians, New Zealanders and other allies, it was an injection of much needed support  - both moral and material. 

We, sitting here today in our homes around the world, must take sober reflection about dates of National and International importance: without marking these days and moments from history, we will forget and that would be a travesty.


Just as we down under mark our special ANZAC Day; how we throughout the globe mark the Normandy Landing, the awe of Dunkirk; the horror of 9/11.... every day or event that marks a significant shift in a People's future... is a day or event that should be celebrated, mourned, remembered and marked at every anniversary of it's passing.

In the marking of its occurance, we remind ourelves how one moment, one second, one single brief moment in time can change the course of history.

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Without the attack on the Pearl Harbor American Fleet, would America have entered the war? We will probably never know. But it is well worth acknowledging that December 7th 1941 represented a lifeline to the war against the Japanese in the South Pacific.

For many long months and years, the American Armed Forces waged war in Europe, Africa, the Pacific and have continued to do so since that fateful day.

It is therefore fitting that I, as one Australian ,  acknowledge that contribution in 2020 and support the American People in their time of need that started on November 3 2020.

Because, in many ways, America is under attack yet again. This time - not by bombs but by traitors and stealth bombs launched from within.

The attack is still an attack on the People of the Free World. No matter what the weapon, no matter how stealthy the attack, it is an attack nonetheless.

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Now is the time for us to rally around as Nations and support each other as we have for so many decades. 

If the American Presidency falls, the Pacific will fall. Ironically, in 2020, Japan will fall to China if America falls to China and the Biden pro China Presidency.

In short, Europe will fall to Socialism and all those lives that were given so generously to defend us 80 years ago will have been in vain. 

The only hope we have is if we have a mateship between America, Britain, India, Japan, Australia and others.

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New Zealand has fallen to Socialism in all but name. Australia is crumbling, State by State. Even our Diggers are being treated badly by our Federal Government. 

Without America, India will fall to Pakistan and China. 

I watched one of those Aircraft Investigations shows last night. The plane crashed because someone left a lynchpin off a nut and bolt. 

America is the lynchpin and, like December 7th, 1941, without it, the plane that is our freedom, is doomed.

As we ponder the significance of that fateful date all those years ago, I cannot help but think of what the people in the Pearl Harbor Base did after the attack on their beloved America. 

They didn't sit back and cry or moan and say " gosh, that's a shame. " 

“There was nobody on the Sacramento who was out of control, crying for their mother, or crying at all,” Kennedy said, adding that everyone did “what they were trained to do. I was real proud of my ship.”

Paul Ivan Kennedy died on August 21, 2017. He was 96 years old. 


They got up, fought back with such ferocoity of spirit that the foe was utterly vanquished.

There was no mercy.

Because the foe did not deserve mercy. 


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