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If I was American.... I would be going to Washington DC on 6th of January.

If I was American, I would walk to Washington to be there to support President Trump.

If I was American, I would sleep on the side of the road and do anything within my power to be there to support President Trump.

If I was American, I would arrive, by hell or high water and be there to support the greatest President America has ever had. In fact, if I was American, I would know that it was my duty to go to Washington.

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If I was an American, I would sleep on the ground, eat nothing and stand proud for the man who defended my right to be American.

If I was American,. nothing could keep me away.

If I was an American, I would travel across states and borders, care not about the place I slept or the toilet I used. 

If I was an American, my comfort would mean nothing to me if it meant that my Nation was saved.

If I was American, I would do anything and everything to make that once on a lifetime trip and say " you know what? I was there. The day we saved our Nation. "

If I was American, I would love my country.


If I was an American, I would defend my country.

If I was an American, I would be in Washington on the 6th of January 2021.

If I was an American, I would know that it is my duty as an American and do it gladly. 

If I was an American, I would know that to not go would be wrong. The biggest day of American history is coming. Please pack your car, go to Washington and show your support.

If I was an American, that is what I would do. 


If I was an American I would be in Washington, sleeping on a bench or apparently alone. But you will not be alone. Because you are American.

If I was an American, I would stagger, crawl or do ANYTHING to be there. 

If I was an American, I would proudly declare my patriotism and love for my country. I would support my President.

If I was an American, would I do it?


Now it is up to you. 

Will you do it? As an American?





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