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Over the past 5 years, we have been watching a giant jigsaw puzzle being put together. It is, as is often the case, only with hindsight, that we see the picture that has been building in front of us. As the final pieces of the puzzle are put into place, we finally have a picture becoming visible. And that picture shows a road leading to Rome.

 Back in 2014, Cardinal Pell was appointed to be the first prefect of the newly created Secretariat for the Economy. In this role, Pell was responsible for the annual budget of the Holy See and the Vatican. During the course of his work, he discovered certain issues that were of concern where Vatican finances maybe being directed. By some strange coincidence, he found himself accused of dreadful sexual offenses and subsequently jailed. By 2019, he was released on appeal and all charges were quashed and he was acquitted.  

In 2018, Europe was abuzz with news of the rise of Matteo Salvini, the Trump like then deputy Prime Minister of Italy. His rise to fame was fast and furious as he supported an end to Moslem migration and the EU control of Europe. Salvini, the so called " Man of the People " has been fighting a battle with the leftist elements in Italy and is still a force to be reckoned with. His crash was meteoric, but he unleashed a resentment and fury in the Italian people that has yet to play out.

Enter Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years. He retired the day before the election to ensure he would not lose his pension unlike what happened to some of the FBI agents who betrayed our country in 2016 and did lose their pension just days before their retirement.

Stefan Serafini coordinated with a general Claudio Graziano, who is on the board of Leonardo SPA (an Italian aerospace defense contractor). Leonardo used their military satellite uplink to load the software and transfer it over to change the votes from Trump to Biden.

The plan was apparently orchestrated by Barack Obama with the help of Matteo Renzi, the former prime minister of Italy.

The Italian intelligence service supplied intercepts, photos, phone calls, and (shockingly) pictures of the CIA agents who have been involved in orchestrating this. Italy did it.

Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court that He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the U.S. Presidential Race


Please watch these videos - they tell a story that needs to be told. 


Maria Strollo Zack, founder of Nations In Action added, “States must prosecute all illegal voting activities and provide immediate legislative remedies. There can only be zero tolerance for criminal interference in American elections. This international conspiracy must be met with swift action by the President and be fully supported by elected officials for the protection of voting integrity and the prosperity of our great nation.”

Click HERE for related information.

Click HERE to view the General Affidavit. 

Maria Zack released another video which has some information that seems to confirm that all roads are currently leading to Rome.  

Who organised this? Who set it up? Who did it? 

It certainly isn't looking good for a lot of people, that's for sure. And their names are well known. 

This sounds like a plot to a Dan Brown novel. 

After all of this, do all roads lead to Rome?

After following this information and watching videos, I now understand why President Trump wants the Space Force. The battle is being fought out there in space and you can bet your bottom dollar that it will not be troops on the ground, but the Guardians of Space Force who will finally vanquish this beast. 


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