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Paddy was being interviewed for a job, the interviewer said,

“OK Paddy, three questions, first question, how many days in the week start with the letter ‘t’?”

Paddy thinks and answers, “Two Sir!”

The interviewer replies, “Good, what are they?”

Paddy replies, “Today and tomorrow!”

The interviewer thinks and says, “Well I suppose that’s OK. So next question, how many seconds are there in a year?”

Paddy thinks and answers, “Twelve!”

The interviewer looks at him and says, “What? How do figure there’s twelve?”

Paddy answers, “The second of January, the second of February and so on.”

The interviewer again thinks to himself, not what I was looking for but I suppose he’s right.

The interviewer then says, “Right Paddy last question, in the Australian song ‘The Jolly Swagman’, what was the Swagman’s name?”

Paddy goes into deep thought and after a few minutes he looks up and blurts out, “OK, I’ve got it, his name was ‘Andy’!”

And the interviewer stares at Paddy and says, “ Andy? Andy? How do you figure his name was Andy?” And Paddy replies, “Cos it’s in the song ……. “Andy sang, Andy watched, Andy waited ‘til his Billy boiled………!”

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