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A couple decided to celebrate their 50th. anniversary at the restaurant they frequented since before they were married. While waiting for their order they were reminiscing about the past.

Him: “Honey, remember the very first time we made love against that fence at the back? How about we do it again for old times sake?”

Her: “Sure, why not. Should be fun”

They get up and both with canes walk out to the dark secluded spot.

A young policeman sitting near-by overheard them and thought; I’ve got to see this. And discreetly follows them out, hiding in the shadows.

When the couple got to the spot, they got down to business.

In the pitch darkness, all you could hear was “oh…ah…”s and squealing.

15 minutes later, they collapsed against the fence and another 10 minutes after catching their breath, they got up and started shuffling back to the restaurant.

As they were passing the young man, his awe of them and curiosity got the better of him and asked: “Sorry sir, that was amazing love making, after 50 years of marriage, what is a secret to your youthful stamina?”

“Well my lad, 50 years ago that fence was not an electric fence”

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