Australia's Outback has a new menace, and it's not venomous snakes or drop bears - it's a rogue kangaroo infected with the so-called "Woke strain" of COVID. Dubbed the Rooganic Plague, this overly conscientious marsupial has been hopping through bush towns, canceling hunting parties, demanding vegan alternatives to dog food, and holding impromptu sit-ins near waterholes.
Locals were calling it "Skippy meets social justice on steroids," but it has suddenly turned dangerous.
Yes, folks, a giant Kangaroo has been terrorising the residents of an isolated outback Australian Community and locals fear it is the first of a new super breed of Rogue Roos infected by a mutant strain of what is now being referred to as Rooganic Plague.
A devastating plague that could destroy Australia.... when our wildlife go woke,things are not going to end well.
Read more: Rooganic Plague: Woke Kangaroo Hops into Outback Chaos!
Now that the Woke Brigade are trying to cancel Australia Day, ANZAC Day and footie and cricket are off the calendar until everyone puts their heads on straight again, let’s look at really important stuff like bragging rights to Lamingtons.
For my many American readers, you may get a giggle out of this – after all, the East v West, North v South Rivalry has been on for centuries and is still a good “ go to place “ if you want a bit of friendly fun.
After all, we are kindred spirits - our Nations bound by inexplicable ties , that we may mock, but others better bugger off and stay out of – the British didn’t stand a chance when confronted with a United States of America - and the brave diggers at Gallipoli created a fighting Spirit that will endure forever.
But getting back to the Australia Day, ANZAC Day, Climate Change and Net Zero bullshit debacle.... we may fight as a united front in the face of adversity but when it comes to other matters of a more localised nature, it is a different story. Kiwis and Aussies fight over who owns the Lamington. Now, this folks, is important.
And, as Australia Day approaches, it is worthy of mention here on our very controversial blog. We tackle the big issues here.
Read more: Battle of the Sponge: Is the Lamington Aussie as "Mate " or a Kiwi Claim Jumper?
So many people from all walks of life have shaped our Aussie way of life, which makes us Australian, unashamedly and without apology. We were born out of true grit, sacrifice and reluctant citizenship in some cases, but our soldiers, our farmers, our women and our poets have celebrated the joy of being Australian.
We are from the land down under, and our poets’ voices still echo in the halls of our history and long may they do so. This is part of our celebration of the people who gave voice to being dinki-di, true blue Aussie. To Hell with those politicians and wimps who dishonour our ancestors.
With the wide brim of a hat casting a shadow over her face, Melania Trump became a symbol of quiet defiance and resilience. As First Lady, she stood poised under relentless scrutiny, shielding herself with elegance while the world dissected her every move.
Beneath that brim, however, was a woman navigating a storm of outrage - her husband vilified, her privacy invaded, her life turned upside down. Like the hat that shielded her from the glaring gaze of the media, Melania’s understated strength became her armour against the enemies surrounding her.
Thrust from a life of quiet luxury onto the world stage, Melania Trump has faced a whirlwind of scrutiny, controversy, and personal sacrifice as First Lady.
Watching her husband endure relentless criticism, seeing her private life splashed across headlines, and navigating the invasive pressures of the White House, Melania’s journey was and is one of amazing and quiet defiance.
And she is back. About to once again face the monster that is the modern media.
Read more: Beneath the Brim: Melania Trump’s Quiet Vengeance and Shield of Elegance
As Australia Day approaches, I cannot help but cast my mind back to when ANZAC Day was subsumed by the Coronavirus lockdown and we were denied the right to celebrate it and honour our Diggers in the usual way by government decree.
It looks like this 26th of January may subsumed by the furore of the leftist activist minorities, aided and encouraged by Corporate Australia and even some of our politicians and local lcouncils. Hopefully the tide is turning.
Either way, we are still getting the usual collection of the bearded unwashed telling us how wrong we were/are for participating in any war because we should be celebrating peace and that, instead of celebrating Australia Day, we should be hanging our heads in shame on " Invasion Day. "
The stillness of Melbourne’s coastal waters was shattered on two momentous occasions in history, as the first angry shots of war reverberated from the Point Nepean battery, marking Australia's entry into both World War I and World War II. In August 1914, just hours after Britain declared war on Germany, a single shot fired from this battery ordered the German vessel Pfalz to halt, preventing its escape and asserting Australia’s resolve in a conflict that would engulf the world.
Decades later, on September 4, 1939, Point Nepean once again roared to life, targeting the Australian freighter Woniora to enforce wartime protocols, symbolising the nation’s steadfast commitment to its allies in the shadow of global turmoil. These fiery salvos, echoing across Port Phillip Bay, were not just acts of defense - they were declarations of a young nation’s place on the world stage, its shores braced for the storms of war.
Australians are buzzing with excitement as they join their American friends in celebrating the triumphant return of President Trump to the White House.
As two nations forged from humble colonial beginnings, Australia and the United States share a bond rooted in resilience, independence, and a shared love of freedom. A pity our recent governments have buggered it all up.
Still,hope is on the horizon.
From the sunburnt plains of the outback to the rolling heartlands of America, this celebration resonates with people - and even animals. Frogs are croaking their joy from billabongs, and kangaroos are bounding in jubilation, symbolising the shared spirit of optimism and unity that ties our two great nations together.
While some our politicians may not share our enthusiasm, rest assured that the average, ridgy didge Australian is looking forward to the return of sanity to America.
One such community, in the Australian Outback, has even got its very own ambassador heading to Washington on a locally built bi-plane. Don't believe me? Well read on and be amazed!
Few figures burn as brightly as Queen Boudicea, the fierce and indomitable leader who rose from tragedy to challenge the might of the Roman Empire.
Driven by a relentless love for her people and a thirst for justice, Boudicea united the fractured tribes of ancient Britain in a passionate fight for freedom.
Her story is one of defiance, resilience, and an unyielding spirit - a testament to the enduring power of patriotism and the human will to resist oppression.
Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni, based in what is now Norfolk/Suffolk in eastern England, stood before the might of the Roman Empire ~ 60-61 AD.
Since Emperor Claudius's invasion in 43 AD, the Romans had established control over Britain, bringing with them advanced equipment, military tactics and infrastructure. Yet, Boadicea’s stand against tyranny and unwavering commitment to her people, ignited a spark of resistance.
Read more: Queen Boudicea: The Fiery Warrior Who Defied an Empire in Defense of Her People
Around 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth formed as a hot ball of molten rock created from gases released by the Sun.
Over time, its surface cooled down and solidified into a rough crust, constantly pushed and reshaped by molten rock (magma) beneath it.
Volcanoes breaking through the crust released water vapor into the atmosphere, eventually condensing into rain.
That rain collected in low areas, forming the oceans. Water from comets that struck Earth also contributed to that process, which was essentially complete by about 3.8 billion years ago.
Another brick in the wall of totalitarianism in Australia was laid recently, with the mortar of hand-ringing faux concern for the ‘safety’ of our children troweled on in generous quantities. At some point in the next year or so, it will be illegal for children under 16 years of age to use some social media apps.
Which means all users will have to clear this age hurdle, somehow, when our Priestess of Permitted Pronouncements gets around to writing, and maybe publishing, the ‘guideliness’ referenced in the legislation.
There’s no defined measure by which the success or failure of this new legislation will be judged. So there will be no limit on how far this inch of restriction will be translated into miles of oppression in the future, again in the name of ‘safety.’
A single real (or fabricated) case of bullying leading to suicide would be more than enough for the government of the day to claim a mandate for ratcheting up the level of restrictions for access to the internet.
Another 26th of January is on our doorstep. Only a few more sleeps before we gather our daggy thongs, ( not from Woolies, of course) search out the shorts with the flag plastered all over them and order in a few slabs, a keg or 3 and assemble around the barbie at the appointed hour ( normally around 11 am ) to tell a few mate jokes and have one too many.
We'll dust off the cricket bat and ball while the missus makes the salads and the kids are reminded that beer always lives in the bathtub on Australia Day. Unless there is a frog in the bath of course....
" Oi ! Get your Dad a beer! " will resonate around this great dusty island and we will pull each other's leg and tell jokes about who had a convict in their ancestry.
Will this happen this year?
I reckon it will. With more gusto than for many years.
Read more: Australia...You've done us proud. Let's hope we can make you proud of us again
As President-Elect Trump is days away from returning to the Whitehouse, I pondered a man who may have applauded his victory and his ambitions to make America Great Again. Both men ran as outsiders to politics, appealing to voters disillusioned with the traditional political establishment.
Ross Perot was best known as a maverick billionaire and two-time U.S. presidential candidate He was one of the most successful third-party candidates in American history.
But what a lot of people don't know is that he also played a remarkable role in a daring rescue mission in 1978. This lesser-known part of his life, dubbed "Operation Hotfoot," (Help Our Two Friends Out of Tehran) illustrates Perot's determination, ability to think under pressure, and commitment to those under his care.
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Australia's Outback has a new menace, and it's not venomous snakes or drop bears -…
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Now that the Woke Brigade are trying to cancel Australia Day, ANZAC Day and footie…
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So many people from all walks of life have shaped our Aussie way of life,…
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With the wide brim of a hat casting a shadow over her face, Melania Trump…
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As Australia Day approaches, I cannot help but cast my mind back to when ANZAC Day…
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Australians are buzzing with excitement as they join their American friends in celebrating the triumphant…
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Around 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth formed as a hot ball of molten rock…
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Another brick in the wall of totalitarianism in Australia was laid recently, with the mortar of…
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