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I have been scanning the news from across the Western world and it is just more of the same. Everything seems to be about someone trying to shut down someone or something.

Never in the history of our Nations have we seen such brazen bias and manipulation of our history and our cultures. And now, it is all about banning Russia. 

Even Homer Simpson gets it.


The femininazis try to shut down men; homosexuals try to shut down heterosexuals; socialists try to shut down freedom of opinion; kids are being brainwashed about gender; you name it, the airways are full of hatred of everything conservative and traditional. What staggers me is that we are losing this battle. 

Like ants overpowering an elephant, these creatures of narrow minded and toxic evil are storming and multiplying like locusts. And they are devouring what little is left of decency.  

And, yes, the latest victim is the country of Russia . When the left get their lasers guns out, you can be sure that you will be blinded by the light of their hate beam.    


From Google to MSM, CNN to BBC and the Australian Government owned ABC to the shores of Sweden to the streets of San Francisco, everything is rotten and filled with the stench of decay of our historic identities. 

In the past 2 years, things have accelerated beyond belief. Trump’s election as President of the United States of America had been a catalyst to a Social Revolution that I cannot remember ever occurring on such a global level.

Before that, Clinton and the globalists had managed to create a stronghold – one which was about to come to its final phase. Upon the election of Clinton, their triumph would have been absolute.

But they were thwarted. By the middle American who still felt that the apple pie represented their country more than a taco or a kebab. 

The men and women who voted for Donald Trump. 

All of the planning and staged manipulation of opinions and tolerance levels hit a roadblock.

Trump fought back, on behalf of America and American citizens. As much as Trump said that he was in it for America, we, who live in other Nations, also relied on his defiance to uphold our countries values ( multiple countries ) and traditional sense of identity. He had become the Leader of Commonsense and by God, the globalists fought back and threw everything they could at him and his band of loyal supporters.

“ They “ knew that if President Trump won in 2020, they were buggered. He had all the dirt that he had been collecting on their traitorous deeds and misdeeds and it would all come out. Not just in America but around the world. 

Of course, it did not matter what they change in terms of social manipulation – they knew that we have worked out that it is all out money and greed.

By weakening the traditional family unit, they gained control of the minds and Will of the next generation. Children who have been taught that Mummy and Mummy is good, that it is OK to have an adult touch them in an intimate way;  we are so worried about what we say could offend the moslems or the gays or the transgenders. We have been neutered over an issue of sex, our voices are being stifled by those that do not share our values. 

They lied and manipulated their way to get rid of the Trump presidency. They were either complicit in or blind to the horror of the Covid virus from China. They used it to shut down our free will with a 2 year campaign of fear and oppression. 

Yet some of us still fought back and are fighting back every day. 

The protests, the freedom convoys, the rallies and the fightback against mandates show no sign of letting up.

When the virus started to wane in popularity and people started to say " enough " they wagged the dog and created a war. 

While China gets a get out of jail free card, gets to host the Olympic Games and take over Hong Kong and in time Taiwan; Russia is sent to global Coventry for sending troops into territory that is still officially part of Russia. 

China is taking over the South Pacific and sending its talons deeper into the soft underbelly of a weakened and impotent western world. 

Perhaps the Russian Bear is the only creature that can wake the west up to its folly. 

That reliance on Russian Oil, Chinese manufacturing and green renewables will not make for a rich and harmonious free world. 

That we will starve and be reliant on government ration handouts for food. That our cars will no longer run without Chinese spare parts or Russian petroleum. That our people will perish from heat or cold without coal fired power stations or nuclear energy.

How on earth did we allow our nations to get into this death spiral? 

Our governments are being " elected " through fraudulent elections and voters seem largely apathetic, ignorant or worn out and thinking " why vote? It won't do any good. " 

Unfortunately, if we give up and accept the inevitability of living as slaves to THE NEW WORLD ORDER, then guess what? That is exactly what we will get.

 What can we do to reverse this ? How can we save our Nations, ourselves, our children and grandchildren from this creeping plague of indecency, oppression and blackmail?

What the hell can we do? 

Well, keep talking about it. Write supportive comments to articles like this. Instead of reading, nodding and saying, silently, yes that sounds like how I feel... instead of reading and saying nothing, say something. 

If you don't feel that you can sing in the choir, at least form part of the audience. Clap your hands. Or paws. Or anything you've got.


If you do not, one day you will wonder where your voice went and why all you will ever hear again is a solo. 


How many free voices are left? People who are prepared to speak for you and themselves? We are becoming rare fruit on a withered vine.

Support those that support you. Never forget the little man. Because he is one of you.  When his voice dies, part of your voice dies. It is time for the choir to sing again because I have a horrible feeling that the Ark is about to leave because the flood waters are rising.. again. 




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