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The first Q drop was on October 28 2017, not 2015. The name Q wasnt even used until around drop 30. The first several hundred drops came on 4chan. was simply an aggregation site for the 4chan posts to make it easier for normies to get to as 4chan is notoriously difficult to use for some.

Q's main mission was to awaken the general public to what is going on behind the scenes of the media and in government. But mostly, the media.

Or so we are told.

Being owned or controlled by the cabal, all media giants are given a strict narrative that they have to present to the public. That way the minds of the masses (us) can be led to believe whatever we are supposed to believe.

But with places like blogs and with the emergence of independent and free-thinking people, a new population emerged.

Q called these new people 'citizen journalists', 'digital soldiers' or 'midnight riders'.
And they rode in. All across the world. 


People like our Aussie Cossack. the guys in Canada who covered the Freedom Convoy; people all around the world who took to the streets and started to record the reality of life - not the one that the media wished to have portrayed.


According to Webster Dictionary a Midnight Rider is a member of a secret band who rides masked at night, doing acts of violence for the purpose of punishing or terrorizing evil. The 'violence' in this case is truth that tears down the lies of the media. 

Q explained that once the general public has reached a certain level of awakening, they can move to the next phase of their plan: take down the international network of corruption that is present in every high position of our world.

Of course, Trump was removed from power and a puppet was installed.  A tragic and sad puppet who is embarrassing America and the world. His Vice President is almost more embarrassing - if that is possible - and America has gone from World Leader to Laughing Stock in just one year.

So was Q just a joke? A lark hatched by some kid in someone's basement? That me and millions around the world fell for?

Who knows. 

Q went strangely silent. His last post was in late 2020.

These days, it is easier and safer to stay strangely silent.

Anyone who has the courage to speak out does so at their peril.

I do know, however, that if Q exists, we need him back yesterday.

I need his reassurance that I should still " trust the plan. " 

Because, right now, I sure as hell cannot even sense a plan and if there is one, I don't trust it.

I even doubt President Trump. His operation warp speed for vaccines is a complete humanitarian disaster and I have more faith in Putin than any other global leader right now.

I guess the question is this.

" Who are you and what have you done to my life? "

Signed, the people of the world. 


 It's time to get some Faith back in the White House and back into our lives around the world.

It's time to have a plan that believes in God and maybe, just maybe, Q asked the question and that WE are the answer?









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