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Whenever I get down in the dumps I listen to music to mellow my mood. It might be Moody Blues or Leo

anrd Cohen, Pink Floyd but it would never be Pink.  It might be my Dad singing. Music used to be distinctive. Individual. Now, it is a generic = much like our enforced life.


Imagine a world where a group of talented musicians could get together and create a sound that was never heard before.
The first time I heard Bobby Gentry singing about her very sad relationship breakdown - though, in those days, it was just two people breaking up.Today, Billy Joe and his lady friend would be exposed to a public display of male vs female hatred and no matter what, Billy Joe was a bastard. He certainly would have been a right prick these days.
It was story telling. Music not only told a literal story - it told the story of an era of our lives.
Was Billy Joe a bastard? Who knows. We had the story and we drew our own conclusions.
Then we came to the magnificence of Moody Blues.  Who could forget the sheer joy and sadness of this?
Regret, love and loss.

In this story teling world, along came Leonard Cohen.


A song that strikes fear in our hearts if we allow ourselves to listen. A song that is actually a call to what, in his day, was a concept. Today, it is reality.

We are looking down the barrel of  future that is frightening. Long gone are the days of Bobby Gentry and The Moody Blues. We now live in the realm of The Future that Leonard saw : a world of perversion and excess. A world that was foreign to most of us decades ago; a world of 



The future for Leonard was murder. Today the future is our present. 

Yet, in the same era, we heard the words of Simon and Garfunkel who told us about the Sounds of Silence.

 Today, what do we hear from music?

Mindless lyrics that have no sincerity, no meaning, no passion. Empty lyrics with empty music that plague us when we shop in supermarkets and browse retail stores.

Music that has notes and voices yet there is no depth, no meaning, no passion, no love.

Oh, we hear words that say " I love you " but do they break your heart or make you feel emotional? 


Like so many things in our lives, in this year 2019, we have been told to become chilled and mellow and encouraged to accept with good grace; love and be loved; be nice and have  jolly good time... we have ceased to FEEL. Yes, everything today is about " I feel " but even the word " feel"  has been corrupted.

 So many women in particular say " I feel ... " 


I FEEL pissed off that leftists think I m crazy for believing that climate change is  bullshite. I FEEL that leftists think that I am a bigot for wanting migrants to come to Austraiia ... to become Australian. 

But I KNOW that  feelings do not matter when it comes down to National Sovereignty. 


 What I do know witrhout doubt is that Australia needs to stay Australian. 

Australia is Australia - a Nation of dinky dy, bloody good, you beauty, you ripper and good on ya mate.

The day that we become a Nation of Isiam or Middle Eastern or African People, our Nationhood is lost.

I believe in Immigration. I believe that immigration is good. But only if the migrants wish to become one of us, not destroy us.



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