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Sometimes it is interesting to re visit the past and look back and reflect what has happened and how some things have changed and some have not.

What a shame that Australia does not have a LEADER like President Trump. What a shame that this Rugged Man stands alone... yet he is not alone. He has People Power behind him, around him and for him. This solitary man is fighting for everyone and we MUST stand ready to defend him and by his side. 

I watched a video clip today where people declared their LOVE for President Trump. 

I join them in saying that he is the man of the moment and the man who stands between us and tyranny. 

I love president Donald J Trump. 

President Trump is a fighter and Pelosi and the democRATs won't know what has hit them now that now he has his mad out.  Here is a man that knows what he is up against and where he is going.

Here is this old article.

I saw a clip from a newspaper from 1975 which quoted from the Communist Rules for Revolution in 1919. It is in itself a frightening read because it exposes the truth about what is happening 100 years on… in almost every Western Country throughout the free world.

But one thing stood out to me: it referred to making young people superficial and less rugged.

And it got me thinking.

What is a Rugged Man?

According to one online definition,

“ The Rugged Man is one who is physically masculine. He bends nature to his will by means of his brute force and has a cave-man attitude that brooks no nonsense. There is nothing subtle about the rugged man and everything in his life exists for a specific, direct purpose.”

And I stopped and thought “ hmm, now who does this remind me of? “

You see, The Rugged Man is A MAN. He is focused and is unflinchingly strong. He is unapologetically MASCULINE. No soyboy, cry baby, weepy “ I have my period and I want a latte “ here folks.

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Who is the man you want at your side? The one,  who has your back and looks to the front of the cave to make sure there are no saber toothed tigers lurking outside – or the one cowering in the corner? .

The Rugged Man would slay the tiger with his bare hands and sit down afterwards and ask “ what’s for dinner? “

It does not mean a man who is a brute, uncouth or unprincipled. Quite the opposite, The Rugged Man is the embodiment of masculinity. No wonder the Communists saw him and his brethren as the enemy to their foul regime a century ago.

If they could emasculate and disempower the menfolk, they could become the saber toothed tiger and walk in,   select their prey and laugh as the smashed avo eaters and soy boys cowered in the corner and sobbed “ but what about the trees? The planet? “

The key points in their Communist rules for Revolution outlined the removal of guns, removal of morality and Faith; and , most importantly, the installation of FEAR.

They have been most successful, haven’t they? Men and women who fought and died in the defense of our Nations are now mocked, ridiculed, accused of all manner of crimes and the children and young follow the gurus of Green and the Lords of Lawlessness.


A job well done.But…..But.

Along came a Rugged Man and other Rugged Men who said “ No. “ They were not prepared to abandon their womenfolk, their children, their communities, their Nations. No, they were steadfast.

When I engage on twitter; when I read and learn what is REALLY happening in the world, I know absolutely that the Rugged Men are still there, here and everywhere.

They look like your father, my father, your brother, your cousin, your son or your Grandfather.

  • They call a spade a spade. They wear red hats and they proudly defend their right to defend us.
  • And that, my friends, is why the left hate Rugged Men.
  • Because they fear them.

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