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I am often amazed that cats allow us to take care of them.  After all, they are so wise, so independent and so arrogant.Why do so many of us love them?Because they are so wise, so independent and so arrogant. 
Like children and babies, do we deserve their trust?  


I am looking at the moment at my lovely cat. It was her birthday on the 1st November, at least I called it her birthday because that is when I collected her from the SPCA a year ago. . A lovely female tabby said to be 8 years old when rescued. She is a very solid , short legged and has a lovely golden coloured tummy . I have had fun looking up her background. She could be what they call a Pixie Bob Cat.... an American Breed. 


I first went to the SPCA for a Cat when I was lucky enough to find two lovely Siamese brothers , they were a year old. First as young ones they had come from a home where one of them did an unheard of thing …. caught a bird.... they were sent to the SPCA as unwanted. From there they had gone to a family that had another Cat and all three did not get on with one another. Back to the SPCA again. Then I arrived. Lovely, lovely boys, I brought them home , closed off the big outside patio and they had the run of the house as well until they were truly settled , so they were totally safe from being run over or lost. I enjoyed their company for over 14 years when one of them died, the other boy lived for another 4 years until he was 19 years old. So very sad , the loss of those two lovely animals.


What would we do without the Refuge that the SPCA gives to unwanted animals . I visited again and this time a 7 year old Tabby male became my best friend. The old Cats settle down very well and this fellow had been a stray that some oldies had fed and cared for him but they had to find him a home . He was without a doubt the most loving and friendly cat I had ever owned. In the past I had always bought a kitten and enjoyed its company until it departed to a Cat's heaven. But nearly 30 years ago found my precious friends from the SPCA. This particular fellow spent his next 8 years giving me pleasure and company as well as living the life of " Riley" as they say .

This brings me to the latest , my special fancy tabby , the Pixie Bob Cat. She was a lost cat and is very frightened of anything strange, does not like strangers , hides if she hears a strange voice , but is happy and friendly with any one I trust. Something in her past that was not the most pleasant obviously. Settled in well and loves to cuddle up beside me whether it is while watching TV , or in bed. Although there are water bowls both outside for the dog, a Jack Russell, who is now 15 years old , or bowls inside, she loves to get in the Shower and drink water from the base. 

And she drinks from MY water jug! 

And I don't mind!

What would we do with out our lovely animal friends whether they be a loving cat or a very loyal and opinionated Jack Russell . All friends together , although I do think the Pixie Bob Cat rules the roost at least she thinks so. 

Many thanks to the SPCA for the marvelous and caring job they do , enabling us to find such loyal friends.

We agree. All animal shelters and adoption agencies need to be acknowledged. 

Patriotrealm and Shaydee.

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