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Mr Pascoe, this is a story that children would enjoy reading as our land is ravaged by fire.

Please stop your nonsense and let children enjoy the magic of mythology, tradition and the Dreamtime. Please let our Australian children enjoy their childhood and the wonder of Aboriginal Australian Culture. . 

This nonsense about creating a fabricated history of Indigenous culture is insulting to so many people. 

Dhakkan, the Rainbow,  has  lived in the land since time began.

He has watched from his waterhole below the hill and above the sea. He has seen life come and he has seen life go.

Dhakkan, the Rainbow is a Spirit of many faces. He is blue for sadness and red for anger and yellow for tranquil or mauve for thinking. And, most importantly, he can be all these things at once.


Dhakkan can be a snake or a fish, or a fish and a snake, or a sleeping fish or a sleeping snake or a sleeping Spirit that was not anything at all except a Rainbow.

And that is as it should be.

When it rains he will slip from waterhole to waterhole and his People can see his passing by a Rainbow in the sky.

When it is dry, he sleeps in his waterhole and waits for the rain.

Sometimes, when Dhakkan is bored and playful, he will look for a man or an animal and say to the man or the animal “Go to sleep. Slumber here, by this waterhole and dream some dreams with me.” And the man, or the animal would sleep, and dream some dreams with Dhakkan.

While the sleep comes over the man or dog, Dhakkan will give crystals of life and joy and this man or dog would become Kundir – full of tricks and mischief and good and bad. Full of life and full of energy.

The crystals will make the dog appear like a rainbow, on earth. But not of this place.

It passes the time while Dhakkan waits for rain.

Now, one day, Dhakkan awoke from his slumber and was not happy.

The night before, he had seen a dog and invited it to lie down and sleep by his waterhole. He gave it the crystals and made it Kundir. Full of tricks and full of mischief and good and bad. Full of life and energy. It looked like a rainbow, on earth, but not of this place.

But, that night, there had been a fire. A fire that burned and killed his snakes and his animals and his trees and his grass and his land.


Now, Dhakkan does not like fire.

He knows  that his waterhole would need to give of itself to keep the land from drying up and out and in.

The air smelled of fire and Life had left his place of magic.

Dhakkan awoke the dog that he had made full of crystals and said “Wake up! You must wake up now”

dingoThe Kundir dog woke up and sniffed the air.

What it smelled was not so good and not so full of life. Dhakkan said to the Kundir dog “Run, dig the earth and find some life.”

And, so,  the dog, full of crystals and fun and mischief and life and energy, ran and dug some holes to find some life.

He found some seeds and found some grass. He found some life and he found some things that would bring this back to how they were and how they should be.

Now, Dhakkan did not know that, on this day, there was a young man,  on the path, with his own dog, and on his hill.

The young man saw the fire and felt sad that all this land had died and gone to waste.

The man, so young, who had a dog saw his dog run to chase the fire away .

Dhakkan said to Kundir “ Run, and greet this dog and his man. Let him know that we are here to save this place.”

So Kundir ran and dug, to show the man, and his dog, that life was there and all would be the same.

Kundir sparkled, full of fire, full of light, full of hope – to let the man, and his dog, know that Dhakkan still took care.

As Kundir dug, and Dhakkan watched, the man and dog took fright and ran away.

But later on, seeds took sprout and Dhakkan smiled and knew – his crystal dog had dug up life and let the land renew.

Dhakkan, the Rainbow, lives in waterholes and uses crystals wisely.

If you ever see a rainbow, or a crystal beast, you will know that he is nearby, sleeping, watching and taking care of the land.

Kundir still roams the bush looking for seeds of life to dig up.

But remember, Dhakkan is full of mischief and Kundir is full of energy.

Take care when they are near.


Dhakkan, the Rainbow,  has  lived in the land since time began.

He has watched from his waterhole below the hill and above the sea. He has seen life come and he has seen life go.

But he is always there, waiting, watching and taking care.


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