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China is creating a new trade route with Cuba.

Yet this is only a small part of a much bigger plan ... a plan to take over the world.... via trade.

It is Part of their bridge plan. The new Silk Road. 

They have done the same deal with Victoria  - a State in Australia.
China is trying to overthrow America and take control of the world.It is as simple as that.
This is all about making America a minor player in terms of trade.
This is not about trade.. it is about control.

 Well, personally, I see danger with a capital D. 

With our currency not tied to gold, money is merely a leaf. It has no value. Yet we mortgage our Nations to China, in exchange for them getting surety over our assets - land and when we are so burdened by debt, they can come in and take our most precious asset. Our country. 

Talk about selling your soul to the company store.... China is our new slavemaster... by stealth.

The South Pacific is falling to the Chinese because our Governments are happy to sell our Nations to China.  

 America is losing ground and it concerns me that Australia is falling; New Zealand is falling; small Nations in the South Pacific are falling.. Trump,was right when he said that the military was depleted and needed to be ramped up.

You guys live in the Northern Hemisphere and forget about us downunder.

But we are important. And China and Islam are taking us over.

It is bad. Really bad.

According to 

" One strong incentive is that Trans-Eurasian trade infrastructure could bolster poorer countries to the south of China, as well as boost global trade. Domestic regions are also expected to benefit – especially the less-developed border regions in the west of the country, such as Xinjiang.

The economic benefits, both domestically and abroad, are many, but perhaps the most obvious is that trading with new markets could go a long way towards keeping China’s national economy buoyant.

Among domestic markets set to gain from future trade are Chinese companies – such as those in transport and telecoms – which now look poised to grow into global brands.

Chinese manufacturing also stands to gain. The country’s vast industrial overcapacity – mainly in the creation of steel and heavy equipment – could find lucrative outlets along the New Silk Road, and this could allow Chinese manufacturing to swing towards higher-end industrial goods. "

Yet, the article goes on to say

A new global superpower

Some Western diplomats have been wary in their response to the proposed trade corridor, seeing it as a land grab designed to promote China's influence globally, but there’s little evidence to suggest the route will benefit China alone.

The scheme is essentially a “domestic policy with geostrategic consequences, rather than a foreign policy,” Charles Parton, a former EU diplomat in China, told the Financial Times.

There's no doubt that China is growing into a geopolitical heavyweight, stepping into the breach left by the United States on matters of free trade and climate change.

"As some Western countries move backwards by erecting 'walls', China is contriving to build bridges, both literal and metaphorical," ran a recent commentary by Xinhua, a Chinese state-run media agency.

Bridges are key to China's strategy, says Kevin Liu, Chairman of Asia, Partners Group.

He explains: "The superpower status the US has achieved is to a great extent grounded on the security blanket it offered to its allies. Geopolitically, China decided a long time ago that security was too expensive an offer to make. Instead, this new superpower may offer connectivity."

If combined with enhanced global connectivity, China's enormous gravity could become an even more meaningful engine for the global economy," Liu adds.

Which countries stand to gain?

Sixty-two countries could see investments of up to US$500 billion over the next five years, according to Credit Suisse, with most of that channelled to India, Russia, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, the Philippines and Pakistan.

Chinese companies are already behind several energy projects, including oil and gas pipelines between China and Russia, Kazakhstan and Myanmar. Roads and infrastructure projects are also underway in Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos and Thailand.

Pakistan is one of the New Silk Road’s foremost supporters. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the trade route marked the “dawn of a truly new era of synergetic intercontinental cooperation”. Unsurprising praise perhaps from a country that stands at one end of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, where it is poised to benefit from $46 billion in new roads, bridges, wind farms and other China-backed infrastructure projects.

Support has come from further afield as well, with Chile’s president, Michelle Bachelet, predicting the route would “pave the way for a more inclusive, equal, just, prosperous and peaceful society with development for all”.

We are worried. And Trump is our only hope

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