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boats  Thanks lefties, The boats are on their way. Maybe not yet, but mark my words, the boarding passes are being issued, the fares being paid and the bags being packed. Derryn Hinch put the nail in Australia's coffin, so neatly crafted made by the Australian Medical Association Past President, Ms Phelps. I had hoped that the boat years were gone. But no, they are back. Flashback to Christmas Island.

Our Conservative Government has just suffered a blow with the immigration policy.
Our left leaning opposition party, along with the greens and " independents " have passed a bill so that all those in off shore detention can now apply to come to Australia for medical assessment... just two doctors need to sign the application.
The bill passed yesterday and there are already 300 applications. When they get here, activist lawyers line up to block their return to offshore detention.
The boats will start again.
In 2014, this video was issued by the Australian Government.

Our left have just destroyed a strong border policy OVERNIGHT.
I read this speech today and believe that it is worth quoting, word for word. In Parliament Senator REYNOLDS (Western Australia—Assistant Minister for Home Affairs) said yesterday::
" Let me say to everybody here: it won't be the senators in this place who have to recover the bloated corpses of babies and women mauled by the sharks; it will be the men and women of the Australian Border Force and the Australian Defence Force, who have had to do it twice before. It won't be journalists having to deal with the lifelong trauma of survivors. It won't be members of the House of Representatives who will be comforting our Defence and Border Force personnel who years later still wake with night terrors, reliving the horrors we knowingly inflicted on them. " 
Her heartfelt speech stated
" This is going to be the hardest and most personal speech I will ever make in this place. This morning, when I saw my colleagues here in this chamber cheering and high-fiving each other on the passage of Labor's amendments, I felt physically ill. In this chamber, MPs from the other place and this place cheered for a political victory, one that I know from personal experience will inevitably come at the cost of the lives of others. For those who cloak themselves in moral virtue, there is nothing compassionate or moral in the bill. I say to each and every one of you: you will be knowingly complicit in what happens next.
I know what will happen, as I said, because I have experienced this. It is neither hypothetical nor a scare campaign. I know from experience that, to terrorists, human traffickers and people smugglers, people are simply commodities to be exploited and profited from. There is not a shred of compassion or humanity in their trade. Few other senators or members in this place have a lived experience of this; I do. As chief of staff to the Minister for Justice and Customs, I had to deal with the outcomes of the Bali bombings, the boat arrivals and the drownings.

 christmas island

For two years, I saw the many faces and the consequences of evil, cloaked in the perversion of religion, and the commodification and exploitation of people. I saw, I heard and I smelt the consequences of this commodification of human lives. It nearly broke me and it will stay with me for the rest of my life. Fifteen years later, it still weighs heavily in my heart and on my conscience. It was then, 15 years ago, that I came to truly understand that great evil exists in this world and what it takes to protect us from it. This evil exploits compassion; it does not respect it. There is neither grace nor dignity in the exploitation and death of their victims. There is nothing to high-five or, tonight, pop the champagne corks over.

In 2011, after 200 boatpeople were lured to their deaths, a senator in this place is reported to have said, 'Of course not—tragedies happen; accidents happen.' But these deaths, like the other 1,000 at least, were no accident and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the people smugglers out there today are advising hundreds and probably thousands of people who've paid to come to Australia that they can now jump on a boat. Not a single one of these people smugglers who have taken these peoples' money and who have transited them through to countries to our north will be explaining to these people who have paid them the niceties of the contrived technicality in this bill. Of course they won't; they'll want to get them here so they can start earning some more money.
Let me say to everybody here: it won't be the senators in this place who have to recover the bloated corpses of babies and women mauled by the sharks; it will be the men and women of the Australian Border Force and the Australian Defence Force, who have had to do it twice before. It won't be journalists having to deal with the lifelong trauma of survivors. It won't be members of the House of Representatives who will be comforting our Defence and Border Force personnel who years later still wake with night terrors, reliving the horrors we knowingly inflicted on them. I say to all senators and members who voted for this today and their cheer squads: when the inevitable happens, don't you dare come into this place justifying your actions on the basis you did not know it could happen again.
Fifteen years ago we learnt the lessons from the consequences of reopening things in 2007. You reopened our borders and the consequences and the deaths were just as foreseeable then as they are today. You can attempt to justify your actions to assuage your conscience that there was some technicality or that somehow these people smugglers were going to tell the people out there waiting to come here. I'm sorry to say that we will go through it again and you will all be equally culpable."
Well said Senator Reynold, well said.
An article I read on whaleoil was spot on.
Of course, many of us still remember the other side of the migrant crisis here in Australia. The images shared by Sharon or " Shaza " as she was known, a resident of Christmas Island.
Images of buff, well fed, healthy " refugees " arriving on Christmas Island in 2013.
Many of us relied on her first hand knowledge and camera to feed us images and information of the other side of the disaster. That of the economic migrants posing as refugees.

 Without Shaz, we would not have had this insight in to the other, shadier side of people smuggling. Of course, Michael Smith News brought us so much of this information.

Under the guise of desperation, Shaz exposed the dark underbelly of the people smuggling racket. People piggy backing on the back on our compassion, our mateship and generosity... exploiting our goodwill. With samsonite suitcases stuffed full of cash, wearing designer clothes and looking well nourished, these bludgers flooded in to Australia claiming the rights and privileges of the genuine refugees.

Abbott and his team acted appropriately and tried to sort the wheat from the chaff.Those that were, as Senator Linda Reynolds so rightfully pointed out deserved better; and those that simply saw a gap in our migration policy and exploited it.

The Australian Conservative Government has tried to sought the wheat from the chaff. 

And Phelps, Hinch, the Greens and Labor have just thrown them back in to the mix.

Are they aware of what they have done? Do they care? 

I am reminded of something I read on line today.

"Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy Hell has open borders . "

It does not look good.

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