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I received this email a short time ago and place it here for anyone interested. I have no personal knowledge of the Party other than this email so please do not take this as an endorsement.

It is place here for informational purposes only.


" Are you over the divisive political culture in Australia?       Do you feel that no political party listens to or truly represents you? Do you and your family have issues and needs that are not met or not addressed by the current political class?

If you answer yes to any of the above, then read on and discover how you can have a voice and contribute to a better future for Australians and Australia.

We are firstly writing to you to provide an update regarding Family First Party, Australian Conservatives and Australian Christians (VIC) since Cory Bernardi left Politics last year.

You might not be aware that unfortunately, no complete member database that included the members of all 3 parties was available to the former leadership around Australia, so former members could  be communicated to, so they could be part of and move forward with a new Party name and direction.

We have cobbled together a vast array of contact databases to try to reconnect with as many former members and similar minded people across Australia like yourself.

A new grass roots, people focused party has been created called the Australian Federation Party, which is well on the way to being registered in every State, Territory and Federally by the end of March this year.

The Party is a growing federation of current and former minor parties and members that currently includes, Australian Country Party, Country Alliance (VIC), Family First Party, Australian Conservatives, Australian Christians (VIC), Danig Party (SA), Tasmanians 4 Tasmania and the Branches of Katter’s Australia Party (VIC and SA).

We are already registered in New South Wales, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Federally under the former party names and the name change applications to become the Federation Party have, or are about to be lodged by all the current registered parties.

We are also in discussions with many other minor parties across Australia to join in. A few of the major goals we are working towards (many smaller steps to be planned in) are as follows:

To change the culture of politics in Australia.

To remove the many divides of people groups that are manipulated and worked against each other, by the political class and the media to disempower and divide Australians.

To establish long term vision and goals (beyond electoral cycles) for Australia that ultimately benefit all Australians in some way.

To create a political movement that is democratic, transparent and built from the grassroots up, including an extensive branch structure and community engagement; a movement that sees its Candidates, elected MP’s and Councillors represent the people of their electorate as their first calling.

As we re-engage with the former party memberships across Australia and get them to join the new party, we are offering FREE MEMBERSHIP until the end of January this year.

This Free offer is available to all Australians.

Whether you play an active roll or just join to help us build our membership numbers across Australia, your decision to join the party during the free membership period will eventually help you and your family, as we begin to make a positive change to the political culture in Australia.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve a membership of over 50,000 members before the next Federal election, which

h is achievable with your help by joining and getting your family, friends and associates to also join.PLEASE JOIN AND SPREAD THE WORD FAR AND WIDE. Copy and paste the below URL to receive your FREE membership now "

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Please email me so I can thank you.

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