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Australians are buzzing with excitement as they join their American friends in celebrating the triumphant return of President Trump to the White House.

As two nations forged from humble colonial beginnings, Australia and the United States share a bond rooted in resilience, independence, and a shared love of freedom. A pity our recent governments have buggered it all up.

Still,hope is on the horizon. 

From the sunburnt plains of the outback to the rolling heartlands of America, this celebration resonates with people - and even animals. Frogs are croaking their joy from billabongs, and kangaroos are bounding in jubilation, symbolising the shared spirit of optimism and unity that ties our two great nations together.

While some our politicians may not share our enthusiasm, rest assured that the average, ridgy didge Australian is looking forward to the return of sanity to America.

One such community, in the Australian Outback, has even got its very own ambassador heading to Washington on a locally built bi-plane.  Don't believe me? Well read on and be amazed!

In the heart of the Australian outback, amidst sunburnt grass and shimmering red dirt, a tiny tadpole wiggled to life in a cool billabong. His name was Taddie. Unlike the other tadpoles, who dreamed of simple froggy pursuits, Taddie had a big dream: he wanted to become the first frog from the outback to fly in a biplane to Washington, D.C., to witness the inauguration of President Trump. Taddie’s father, a kind and weathered bushman with a twinkle in his eye, encouraged his ambitious son.

“If a frog can dream it, a frog can do it,” he said, placing a sturdy hand on Taddies’s tiny non existent shoulder. You just have to wait until you are grown up into a frog."


As Taddie grew legs and shed his tadpole tail, his neighbours - the bush rats - caught wind of his dream. Inspired by the young frog’s determination, they decided to help. Under the dappled shade of a gnarled orange tree, the bush rats held a meeting.

“Right, mates,” said Rusty, the eldest rat. “We’ll gather oranges from old Bill’s tree and hand them over to the Country Women’s Association (CWA). Those ladies can turn anything into gold...or in this case, marmalade!”


Sure enough, the CWA women worked tirelessly in the kitchen, stirring bubbling pots of orange marmalade.

Every jar sold at the local market went toward Taddie’s dream.

Meanwhile, the bush rats found an abandoned shed on the edge of the bush. They hauled in planks, gears, and fabric, working day and night to construct a magnificent biplane. They christened it Ratty Airways, painting its body bright orange in honour of both the marmalade and Ozzy’s mission.

Test flights showed that they were ready for their mission.


The CWA ladies stitched Taddie a custom suit for the occasion....  a dashing ensemble of stars and stripes. To complete his transformation, the spirited frog dyed his skin a vibrant orange, declaring, “I want to shine like the marmalade that made this possible!”


On a sunlit morning, Ozzy arrived at the shed, his suitcase packed and his Australian flag in hand. The CWA ladies sent him off with a picnic basket of lamingtons and meat pies, which he ate with great relish on his way to the airstrip.

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Image taken before Taddie departed.  Skin not as yet orange.  Photograph is for illustrative purposes only. 

The bush rats gave him a warm salute as he climbed aboard Ratty Airways. The biplane roared to life and soared into the sky. Over the Pacific Ocean and across the vast expanse of America, Taddies’s heart swelled with excitement.

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When Ratty Airways reached Washington, it released a cargo of oranges in celebration. The crowd below erupted in cheers as Taddie parachuted down, his orange skin glinting in the sun.

Landing gracefully on the National Mall, Taddie was greeted by none other than President Trump himself. “Welcome, my special ambassador from the great land of Australia!” Trump proclaimed, shaking the tiny frog’s hand with vigour.


Back in the outback, the CWA hosted a grand marmalade party to celebrate Taddies’s success. Bush rats, kangaroos, and echidnas danced under the gum trees. Laughter filled the air as stories of the little frog’s adventure spread far and wide.

As for the real Australian ambassador, he fumed silently in the crowd at the inauguration. His dignity suffered further indignity when he was struck on the head by a wayward orange from Ratty Airways’ celebratory drop.


Taddie returned home a hero, his orange hue fading but his spirit as bright as ever. From that day on, he was known as the Marmalade Frog, a symbol of outback ingenuity and the power of dreaming big.

And in Washington, an orange-dyed frog always had a seat of honour in the White House whenever marmalade was served.

Did you enjoy this? Well,thank Paddy for some of the images and the inspiration. And PP  for the taddies, rats and frogs.



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