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I read with dismay some of the comments made by MSM about the moment that President Trump held a Bible in the early days of the Riots. The image of the President striding out of the White House grounds to stand before an historic church damaged by fire has been condemned by MSM and compared to Saddam and Gaddafi.

The question of his Right to hold this tome has been raised and he has been accused of using it as political prop.

How many of them know the story of Donald Trump's relationship with the Bible?

Here is the story that most of them did not know and probably do not even care about anyway. 

In the late 1840s two older ladies, sisters Peggy and Christine Smith, had begun to pray for revival on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, about 50 miles off the west coast of Scotland.

“One was blind and one was humped over so badly with spinal stenosis, but they had a passion for revival,” Dr. Sexton said. “They wanted God to work.”

Because the ladies were not of good health, they couldn’t get to the church to pray or worship. “Their house became a place to meet; people came in. They had passion about revival coming to their island, the Isle of Lewis.”

They persuaded their pastor to invite an evangelist named Duncan Campbell to come to their island and preach the gospel.

Over the years he traveled from village to village on the Isle of Lewis preaching the Word of God.

“The fire of God struck that tiny little obscure place off the coast of Scotland,” Dr. Sexton said. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit between 1849 and 1852 became known as the Lewis Awakening or the Hebrides Revival.

“There was a teenage boy who got saved in it. His name was Donald Smith. The preacher became so dependent on Donald and so close to Donald he would ask him to lead in public prayers and help him with the meetings.”

On the same island, a young cousin of Donald’s, Mary Anne, grew up and immigrated to America in 1930, arriving one day after her 18th birthday.

Mary Anne came ashore with $50 to her name and worked for at least four years as a domestic servant, living with her older sister on Long Island.

She met and married a young man whose name was Fred Trump. They fell in love, and were soon married.

The two ladies, Maryanne's aunts, sent her a copy of the Bible that had been used in the Hebrides Revival.

Please watch this wonderful clip and make up your own mind whether or not President Donald J Trump has the Right to hold a Bible.


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