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 It has finally hit home  the terrible change that has  been inflicted upon us.     How long is it since  the local shopping mall was visited,    when did you last have a professional haircut?     When did you  last try on a new     pair of slacks or a pretty top?    Did you cancel your last dental appointment or you skin cancer check?
 All the things that were normally part of your routine  have been altered.   On line purchases  are the  order of the day , we are expert at that type of  buying  now.   
 I know things have been eased off and restrictions have been   lifted but I have spoken to people in the   older age bracket and some have said they  don't think they  will ever go to the big shopping malls again.   The lockdown and  restrictive life has made them feel unsure , taken their  confidence away.    They  feel depressed and unhappy.   What a disaster that so many feel this way.
From my own point of view I have a son who likes to come and spend the Winter in Queensland in his caravan .
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He trips around the  lovely beaches and  does Whale watching trips and in between He  He visits with me .   I have a list of jobs   , wash  down the fans, clean the filters in the air conditioners.   He gives the car the   valet treatment
all the jobs that require a ladder and as an older person I feel I shouldn't do anymore.     In return he gets spoilt, fancy morning teas, homemade  puddings after dinner ,  plenty of ice-cream in the freezer to go with the stewed fruit that was organized  during the summer and is frozen in the freezer awaiting his Winter visit.    I am still waiting.   The  ice cream is still there , the stewed apricots,   mango, plums and apple  are still  waiting .
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As the year rolls on , you are finally aware that so many things have changed in your life and all of them have been negative, I must admit I am told it has been for your own good.   But I wonder was it worth it.   If you live a healthy life and have no outstanding health issues would it not have been better to take your chances and not have all these people worried about money, mortgages  and jobs.  Surely an immunity would have developed. 
Even the  everyday business of the Mobile Library  was terminated and now finally if you order your reading material it is delivered in a Van  , you pick up your ordered books and place the returned books in a box at the back of the Van.  Thank you  ..  I appreciate it,  but that is another thing that has changed , will it be a  permanent fixture?      How are you to find new authors  and be tempted to try someone different when you can't see the book on the shelf?  
Last but not least the increase in price of the  groceries,  have you noticed it is  a much higher bill than you used to pay  each time you visit the local shop.   Meat has jumped in price, fruit and vegetables  the same .. Why?
 The vegs and  meat are not imported , is it the  shop making the profit or is it  transport costs have gone up ? 
I and many others like me look forward to certain times of the  year, when our family  and friends are  free to visit ,   but so far not this year, when are the borders going to open , when will free travel between New Zealand and Australia be  allowed?   I feel there should be a  stop to all refugee intake  until things have been sorted out to the satisfaction of the entire population.   The tourist industry is  suffering, Southeners and Kiwis coming to enjoy the warm winter sun in Queensland , the Australians enjoying the skiing in the Resorts in New Zealand .  We are all clean living , we were all taught to wash our hands , take showers , wear clean clothing   and certainly not to cough or sneeze over people if we have a cold or the flu' .  
Please can we get back to some sense of normality ,  before we turn into shadows of our former selves , while there is still some hope  of recovery.
sorry Redhead - the image just seemed right. My apologies for the language. 
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