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It is with horror I have just read the article about Soros and his support of the NAMBLA group. Up until now I have never heard of it. But it appears the USA and other parts of the world it is a well known name . Then before that I read the article about the poor little lad who had dreadful things done to him by 4 older lads. What is the world coming to. Talk about stamping it out we have to get cracking and do something instead of talking about it.

Our younger generation has gone insane.

I think about the awful weekend when my Great grand daughters visited.    Maybe they need a spell in Boot Camp.     I developed a   big  smile at the thought.     Seriously it made me realize that I wasn't the only one who  has suffered a shock at what is happening to our youth,  particularly our girls.   Why have the girls been the ones to be so brain washed?  I always thought that the females were supposed to be very bright and  had a mind that  could cope with several things at a time.   But now they seem to be narrow minded and minds closed to all sensible thought.

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What I can't understand is why the young boys are not more outspoken , is it because they have been subjected to such a host of lies and accused of all sorts of things when and if a girl wants to hurt them.   Is this why they are taking a back seat and retiring to the background saying,  I am  keeping well out of it.   The girls of today have a lot to answer for.    Young ones of the 12 to 15 group  talking about abortion, saying it is their choice , full term babies killed  and really not realizing at all what they are saying.   

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If they actually were present during one of those dreadful operations I wonder would they be so off handed about the procedure and the sight that would met their eyes.   Have they never held a little  baby , felt it put its little fingers around you own finger?     It is a Life too.   Black lives Matter... All lives Matter . 
And babies lives matter.
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If we all fell down on the ground to pray to God to help us fight these misinformed young protestors I  could see hope,  but to fall and do it  just because it looks different is madness. 
Now back to  Redhead's Boot Camp.      First of all no telephone to bury their noses in...  TV, only when the days  chores  had been completed.     Of course they may be too tired with the unexpected effort  required  that they might just fall into bed and sleep.   They would learn to do dishes,  no dish washer,   Learn how to use a washing machine and to use the sun and the breeze to  freshen and dry the  used clothing.     Maybe even realize you do change clothing every so often too.    Then of course there is the  cleaning of the bathrooms the kitchen,   oh I nearly forgot the toilets too.      I will leave you to imagine the rest.

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Conversations  next and reading material.   Watch Sky news instead of a quick look at the  ABC .  Oh the  mind is starting to change already.  I think by the time the first week was over ,  I would see a definite change,  less deliberate baiting and rudeness , more laughter and helpful  suggestions , more smiles and  even a touch of happiness.    
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Rita Panahi
I honestly believe that at the end of the fortnight you would see very different girls from the two who joined my Boot Camp   .        I believe that if  the parents of these misinformed girls could get the courage to stand up  and change the way they   educate their  daughters  , make them read the  informed books , make them talk and find out about things rather than just take someone's word for it.   I am not meaning  a Boot Camp regime , but  making them partake in the running of the household,  gardens and   enjoying sport ,  being busy , I think a lot of  girls give up sport and bury their noses in the  TikTok and the  Facebook side of life .  

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Is there hope ?   Can we see a brighter future ?   I do hope so.  
But I think that Redhead's  Boot Camp might be the only solution.
As President Trump says   " what have we got to lose " because what is happening now is not working.
Using letters and numbers is not helping with solutions    NAMBLA BLM ANTIFA   the list goes on.    Call things what they are and stop hiding the truth.
It is time to stop using the alphabet and start facing up to words   instead of hiding behind collections of CAPITAL LETTERS.
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